I'm sorry about the long awaited updates for those that read my fics.

My latop hasn't been fixed yet and my computer privlages have been cut done emensely. I'm talking from 11:30 pm to 3:00 am. This gives me no time whatsoever to update every single one of my fics within those four and a half hours, much less have the energy to do it. 

We can thank my mother's boyfriend for this. Long story short, "you don't pay for the electric, so you can get on when I say you can for as long as I say you can."

Didn't know he was able to tell me when and what to do, but apparently my mother allows this.

She calls it, "keeping the peace."

I call it bull.

I thought that by paying for the internet, that'd be enough, but it's not.


Here I am, explaining my ing reasonings for not updating in a while, to people who probably don't really care.

But I wanted to explain it anyway so that my readers/all of you didn't think that I just went "poof" and will never update again.

Not that I think they can see this, but I'll try anyway and possibly post a chapter updating them/you with the same in this blog post tomorrow or something.

I am just going to add my messy updates for each fic here.


A bittersweet death: I haven't started this one yet, but I do have this chapter thought out in my head, and I will start typing it up soon.

Chanyeol's cute little human: I'm actually putting more of my time into this one shot, so that's why a lot of my other fics are on hold. This should be posted soon as well.

A life full of love: Like a bittersweet death, I haven't started this yet, but I do have it thought up. It just needs to but typed up and posted, hopefully soon.

Hoping that time tells: This is the one I am currantly updating on the computer. It's not finished, but it will be fairly soon. 

Let me be your light: I have not even started this one nor have I thought of anything for it because it involves more of my time, but as soon as I have most of my fics updated and my one shot posted, I will start working on it. Consider this fic on a very small hiatus.

In love with a mystery: The chapter for this is just about complete. It's will be posted soon.


Please be paitent with me as I do not have enough time to spend on updates. I mean, I have time because I'm home all the time, but I can't actually be on the computer long enough to do it.

And don't unsub thinking that I quit updating my fics. I haven't, I just don't have the time to update them quickly, so please be patient if you can.



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