DEVILZ | SM New Girl Group - *Character Name*

A/N: Hi ^^

Just to remember: 
Don´t forget to delete every note and parenteses you see.
Kris and Kai are taken as love interest.
Triple Treath and Main Dancer, Visual, Vocalist are taken by me and co-author
Don´t change the format of this app and do it as neat as possible.
The ulzzang Lee Da Som is taken as face claim by me and Ulzzang Byeon Seo Eun is taken by co-author
Change the photos of Mikki with your face claim.


tumblr_mo7zef0o8K1s98g9yo1_500.png tumblr_mnpo5xCY6M1s98g9yo1_500.jpg tumblr_lxkr08rCRS1rn13kso1_500.jpg

Name Here

The Real You Babe ;)

Usarname: (Hyperlink it)
Activiness: 1/10 (10 most active)
What Should I call you?

It´s Your Girl Baby!

Name: (Last, First)
Nicknames: (As many as you what; state the reason)
Age: (16-20)
Birthplace:(Can be everywhere)
Hometown - 
Ethnicity - (At least half asian)
Bloodtype - 
Height - 
Weight - 
Languages - (Up to 4. State fluencity.You need to be fluent at Korean at least.)

It´s your Story ans Life! It´s only you!


Background - (Quality over quantity, but at least 1 paragraph.)

Personality - (Quality over quantity, but at least 2 paragraphs. Remember that no one is perfect, so I want Flaws.)

Likes -(+5)
Dislikes - (+5)
Hobbies - (+2)
Fears- (+2)
Habits -(+3)
Trivia - (Unlimited)

(Bullet Form please >.<)


It´s Your Face, Your Style >.<


Ulzzang Name- 
(Hyperlink it)

Back-up Ulzzang Name- 
(Hyperlink It)

Style - ( A Little Description)

Home:1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Link It)
Casual:1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Link It)
Formal:1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Link It)
SleepWear:1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Link It)
Extra Things: (like Tattoos, Piercings, Scars, etc...)


You´r the Star!!

Stage Name:
Fanclub Name and  Color:
(Triple Treath and Main dancer, Visual, Vocalist are already taken >,<)
Back-up Position:

Training Years:

Trainee Life:

How did you get in?

Rapping Twin- (CL is already taken by me >.<)
Link: 1 | 2 | 3

Singing Twin- (BoA already taken by me >,<)
Link: 1 | 2 | 3

Dancing Twin- (Kahi already taken by me >.<)

Link: 1 | 2 | 3

(If your position doesn´t do something of the above then you don´t need to fill it, ok?)


More People to Know :P


What is to you| Name | Age | Ocupation |Dead, Alive | Relationship with each other
(You can have idol sinblings or cousins, or whatever ou want XD - G-Dragon is already taken as brother by me)   

Friends: (Up to 3)

Name | Age | Ocupation | Relationship with each other

Best Friend: (Up to 2)

Name | Age | Ocupation | Relationship with each other


You Love Me, I Love You!


EXO-Member-Profile-Kris-1.jpg tumblr_m7cj0vC7Xs1rth2k1o1_250.jpg Exo-exo-31296770-500-333.png tumblr_mgrjojtpg61qiviv2o1_500.png tumblr_mkkz4oki5o1s20wh0o1_500.png

(Change Kris´s photos with your Love Interest- Kris and Kai are already taken)

Love Interest-
How you meet - 
Personality - 
(Be especific)
How you act around each other -
(Friends, Strangers, Best Friends, Hate Each Other, Rivals, Enemies)

Back-up Love Interest -                                                                                                                                       How you meet - 
Personality - 
(Be especific)
How you act around each other -
(Like Above)


Now What?


Love Rival: (It can´t be from SM. It can be a boy or girl)
Back-up Love Rival:
How did you meet?
How Do you Act Around Each Other?
(Like above)

Rival: (Needs to be a girl, not from SM)
Back-up Rival:
How Do You Meet:
Why does she hates you so much?
How Do You act around Each Other?


If You want...

Scence Requests:
Song Sugestions:



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