RANT! (Read it or not, whatever)

Man there are some uber jacked up people in this world. Don't you people have anything better to do than to kill your dog by stomping on it over and over? Do you have a heart made of stone to keep at it all the while listening to it crying out, begging for mercy?

I just don't understand! I guess you COULD have done it for fame, although I dont understand what the reason behind that would be either. And if you didn't want it, it wouldn't take up too much of your 'precious' time to drop it off at a dog shelter. Ugh. People like you are what make me think that this world has no hope whatsoever.

And then there's my siblings who have no respect as to what I feel and keep describing, and very vividly I should add, what methods were used to finish the job. Seriously, do you want to see me cry that bad?


But yeah, that was just a little rant to get it off my chest. If you've sticked with me this far, thanks for dealing with me :P


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