O1. Hell - o ?

Hello guys, this is my first ever blog post can you hear me screaming? 


Well, actually. I just found out about this.

I know, I feel so stupid. I've been here for years now yet I didn't know I could post blogs and interact with my friends.
Judge me. 


Okay, so I've been quite busy lately that's why I wasn't able to update my fics. I hope ya'll understand.
Well, college had been pretty crappy lately with all the homeworks and papers and stuff.
I hope you guys are all doing well. 


Oh, and... I think I'm going to see Myungsoo this November! Oh my god, my fan girl feels.

And did you see the recent B1A4 Previews? God damn it, Gongchan's wearing a goddamn sweater for Christ's sake.
How could I live in this world peacefully?




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I am the worst BANA(na) ever. I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THE PREVIEWS. Mind clearing this hopeless mind?
what preview?????