Get to know me (taken from playfulkissbof)

1) My height : 171.45cm

2) My age : 16 years old

3) Shoe size :  Eu : 40.5 , UK : 8  , US : 10 ( i know, i have big feet.)

4) Do I smoke? Never. 

5) Do I drink? No.

6) Do I take drugs? If medicine is counted. XP

7) Age I get mistaken for : Cause i'm tall, many people think i'm a uni student. ==" 

8) Have tattoos? Nope.

9) Want any tattoos? No.

10) Have any piercings? 1/1 Ear piercings.

11) Want any piercings? No thanks. 

12) Best Friend :  Don't have one, just a group of very close friends. <3

13) Relationship status:  What is relationship? (single.)

12) Biggest turn on: Manners and Humor.

13) Biggest turn off: Rudeness and pettiness.

14) Favourite movie:  At the moment, "Now You See Me". 

15) I'll love you if... show that you care.

16) Someone I miss:  Nobody at the moment.

17) Most traumatic experience:  Getting tricked into reading a horror manhwa, which was animated and had sound. Not fun.

18) A fact about my personality:   I'm the mother hen type. Yeah. 

19) What I hate most about myself: My carelessness and clumsiness.

20) What I love most about myself: That i am usually optimistic.

21) What I want to be when I get older: Realistically- a primary school teacher. Unrealistically- an archaeologist.

22) My relationship with my siblings: Pretty good. They buys me alot of things. XD

23) My relationship with my parents: Good.

24) My idea of a perfect date:  A comfortable date.

25) My biggest pet peeves: People who smoke where they aren't suppose to. And when people do things like take you food without asking.

26) A discription of the boy I like: Hahaha boys. 

27) A discription of the person I dislike the most:  Fake and rude and downright mean. 

28) A reason I've lied to a friend: Hold a surprise birthday thing. 

29) What I hate most about work/school: Homework and exams. what else. 

30) What my last text message says: "Why?" Cause my friend was befuddling me.

31) What words upset me the most: When people give a stupid reason for not liking something. Such as people not liking Kpop cause they don't understand the language. =="

32) What words make me feel the best about myself;  Any compliments always make me happy.

33) What I find attractive in women: Their sincerity. Applys for everyone.

34) What I find attractive in men: Awkward people. Like T.O.P. <3

35) Where I would like to live: South Korea. 

36) One of my insecuriites: Disappointing people.

37) My childhood career choice: When i was 7, i said i wanted to be a fairy. My childhood dreams are now shattered. 

38) My favourite Ice-Cream flavour: Green tea OR black sesame OR red bean. Yeah. Asian flavours, i know, but i love them.

39) Who I wish I could be: Myself. 

40) Where I want to be right now: Travelling

41) The last thing I ate: Marshmallows. 

42) iest person that comes to my mind immediately:  T.O.P. 

43) A random fact about anything:  I LOVE like food. 


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