More about Me!!!! (Taken from playfulkissbof's blog post)

I decided to let people know me as well!!! Nothing wrong with optimism!

...I can't resist. Let's see what we can do here. -Tori-


1) My height : 170-173cm (5"6 or 7) Lies and deceit. You're 5'4".

2) My age : 14 (I feel so young...) Time to update this.

3) Shoe size : US: 12 or 13 Hah!

4) Do I smoke? No.

5) Do I drink? No.

6) Do I take drugs? No.

7) Age I get mistaken for : Between the 16-24 range. (It makes me feel old!)

8) Have tattoos? No.

9) Want any tattoos? No.

10) Have any piercings? If the basic ear piercing counts, then yes.

11) Want any piercings? No.

12) Best Friend :  I don't name people my best friend, unless they consider me theirs You could have just said, "Friends? I don't have friends."

13) Relationship status:  Non-existent

12) Biggest turn on: friendliness and cuteness. Being Asian.

13) Biggest turn off: Being a jerk, compulsive lying

14) Favourite movie:  N/a

15) I'll love you if... you get me chocolate XD

16) Someone I miss:  My best guy friend

17) Most traumatic experience:  N/a

18) 2 facts about my personality:   I am way to shy and sensitive for my own good. You've got that right.

19) What I hate most about myself: I lack confidence and fall into depressing thoughts alot

20) What I love most about myself: I'll tell you when I find it...

21) What I want to be when I get older: A chef... or a caterer

22) My relationship with my sibling: alright You mean freaking fantastic! :D

23) My relationship with my parents: fine

24) My idea of a perfect date:  as long as he isn't cheating, it's fine

25) My biggest pet peeves: People popping their gum Don't go Madea on people, please.

26) A discription of the boy I like: -------- Asian.

27) A discription of the person I dislike the most:  ratchet 

28) A reason I've lied to a friend: So they won't worry about me 

29) What I hate most about work/school: Waking up at 5 am 

30) What my last text message says: "kk"

31) What words upset me the most: Koreans are gay , they look like girls, they are trying to copy american singers,  ONE DIRETION/JUSTIN BIEBER ARE BETTER SINGERS/LOOKING

32) What words make me feel the best about myself: People saying my chubby cheeks are cute  But they are!

33) What I find attractive in women: -

34) What I find attractive in men: their smile and cuteness Their Asian-ness.

35) Where I would like to live: Korea, china, or japan

36) One of my insecuriites: I'm... "heavy set" 

37) My childhood career choice: designer 

38) My favourite Ice-Cream flavour: mint chocolate chip

39) Who I wish I could be: Myself and no one else 

40) Where I want to be right now: South Korea

41) The last thing I ate: 2 slices of ham.

42) iest person that comes to my mind immediately:  I don't classify things as y- I classify things as cute

43) Cutest person that comes to my mind immediately: between Lee Sungmin from Super Junior and Rockhyun from 100%

44) A random fact about anything:  I tripped off a bus this past Febuary. XD


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