About Hangeng...

I would give a big long speech here about Hangeng, but homework is calling me ... so much homework...

And I don't even have words for the hate he's receiving.

I got home from school to see hate on him and more hate again today. I was shocked beyond belief.

Did everyone forget what he went through?

Let's just stop it, yeah? Hangeng had his reasons and JYJ did to. Just because they didn't disclose them to you doesn't mean that they are the bad guys and are entirely at fault here.

If you're going to hate on someone, at least do it with reason, okay? Hangeng is still close with Super Junior (based on what he says in interviews). Truth is, neither you nor I can say whether Super Junior was offended by his words, so stop bringing it up.

There's a clariciation of what he said going around on tumblr: HERE

So I recommend you read that before making hasty decisions and snap judgements. 


Just take a second to think of all he suffered. How long would you have lasted in his situation? Personally, I wouldn't have even made it past a year.


I'm going to do my Physics now! ^^


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sooyeonnie11 #1
i know~! when i read that article about him and then rean that thread rantin about him and i was like "well, sounds covincing" but then i researched more and knew that the translation was a bit wrong to make people misunderstand him :P
Frankly even if he said what he did, financial issues are a problem. I think that article really spoke for the many idols that are struggling even after their debut. Like DBSK had to get sidejobs like in construction because they needed to support their families, even though they hadn't or already debuted. (Someone fact check please?)
Wait. why is everyone hating on hangeng all of a sudden? o-o
Whoa what happened?
Hangeng had his reasons for leaving and people need to respect that even if they may not like it. I was disappointed when I found out JYJ left DBSK but I understood why they wanted to leave, so I still support them along with Yunho and Changmin. That's what fans should do.

While I'm sad if any member leaves a group, I don't hate on them or call them horrible things like 'traitor'. They are grown adults and capable of making their own decisions.