Who I Am

Hello, My name is Emanoelle, I am 16 years old, I live in Brazil and I am a V.I.P. I cant remember exactly when I started to like South Korea, probably because people around me where always saying things like 'Oh, you look like a Asian girl' because of my eyes, something I am really proud of. I grown up, thinking 'One day I'm definitely going there!' I am still young, so there is a good chance I'll fulfill my dream, but good chance I'll fulfill my dream, but sometimes I wish I was born as an Asian. The culture, the fashion, the country, the people, the food, I want it all. Two years ago, I was looking for some songs in a website, when I found BIGBANG's Tonight, the first time I just listened to it. And then, without warning I started to sing the chorus along with the person I later would fell for, the chorus was so catching and his voice was amazing, I then, decided to watch the MV. It was so amazing! The concept! All those handsome boys dancing and singing, the costumes were perfect! I searched for their names and one of them won my whole attention. It was KANG DAESUNG. I wanted to known everything about him, at that moment I was going through a really hard time in my life, my family was always fighting each other, I was suffering bully at school, and I had no one to talk to. I couldn't tell my sister because I didn't want her to worry, I couldn't tell my parents because I was too ashamed, I couldn't tell a friend because I had none. The school did nothing, even when the boys in my class said they would do bad things to me, no one heard my voice. A song saved my life. 'BABY DON'T CRY' this song saved my life. I was almost doing something really bad, but I accidentally found this song, even thought I couldn't understand the meaning of the lyrics, his voice reached my heart. All I did was cry out and loud like a baby, not because I was sad, because I was happy. His voice because I was happy. His voice healed me. He saved me, that's all I can say. When I listened to TRY SMILING, I knew I had found someone to rely on, just like the lyrics instead of crying alone and throw my life away, I started to smile, of course it didn't change the way my classmates treated me, but it made me feel better. One day my aunt saw me crying when I was coming back from school, that day was particularly hard, the shirt my father bought me to celebrate my good grades was take away from me. I cried because I was frustrated with myself, why did I have to be so weak? Anyway, she told my parents and in less than a week I was in a new school. I was always a timid kid, but after the bullying issue, I was always too weary, I didn't let anyone approach me, I kept people away from me, but one person, there was one person, I couldn't keep her away, she is my best friend now. Juliana, I had to leave her school I spent a year and half there, and I made lots of friends, the main reason was K-POP, because of that, me and Juliana became best friends. I left the school, and for my despair I had to go back to my past school, the one I hated the most. My mom couldn't afford the school I was at, me and my sister, the school, books, transport, lunch, it was too expensive and my father didn't buy a new car so we could stay a little longer there. I decided to be strong and go back to the school I hated, coincidentally, at that time DAESUNG released a Japanese cover album. His album gave me strength, before going into class I would listen to 'JOYFUL', and 'UTAITAI NO BALLAD', this songs, his voice, it helped me so much. I was scared to death, but he was there for me, even if I cant talk to him, even if I cant see him, or touch him, I can listen to him. 'I LOVE YOU' reached my soul, his voice is not just amazing. It sounds crazy, but it's like he can see your heart when he sings, all the cracks, it disappears, it doesn't even leave a scar, it is completely healed. Even if there is a small chance he'll see it, I want to say thank you. I am very thankful. I am extremely thankful. You and BIGBANG, means so much to me! So much! I cant put it in words. You guys changed my life. Thank you for existing and please, it may be a selfish wish but, please, keep singing! Don't stop singing, ever. I'll always listen to your voice. BIGBANG FIGHTING! KOREA FIGHTING!


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emilymissu #1
Glad that Daesung help alot in your life. Be strong unnie . Try harder. Work hard for ur dreamm. One day , U will reach your dream :) Unnie i miss you ...
Oh, you are a hero for being so strong!! :) Fighting!!

Daesung would be so happy to hear that he could help you through the tough times ^^

I hope this time around the kids at your old school will have grown up and stopped their cruel and senseless behavior, but you at least always have Big Bang and us fangirls on AFF kkk >.<

And oh, I looove 'I Love You' to pieces, it's like the perfect song! Daesung is such an angel, he takes my breath away with his singing every time I hear his voice ♥
This is a beautiful story, dongsaeng. It's so sweet to know how much Daesung and the boys have helped you through hard times!
Bullying is terrible, but I am so proud of you for being brave and for doing the right thing.
Fighting, honey!