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❄{ Kwon Min Jee }❄ 



Username : BlackRose001

Activeness : 8

Nickname : Andreia






Name : Kwon Min Jee

Other Name : Andreia

Nicknames :Min-Min; MJ; Rose

Date of Birth  Age : March 20th, 1996  17 

Birthplace  Hometown :  London  Seoul 

Blood Type : AB

Height ❄ Weight :  168cm ❄ 50 kg 

Languages : English, Korean- Fluent; Japanese, Mandarim-Conversational






Ulzzang : Lee Yeon Ju

Links : ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ 

Backup Ulzzang : Baek Su Min

Links : ❄   ❄ 





Family :

 Mother || Choi Stella || 46 || Scientist || Strict, Serious || How they act ||Dead

 Father || Choi Sang Woo || 50 || Scientist || Strict, Serious || How they act ||Dead 


Background : Until she was 9, Min Jee lived in an orphanage. She never knew her real parents. When she did 10, there were a couple that decided to adopt her. On the first year everything was ok, until her adoptive parents started to use her as an expirement. She was tortured, she was even by her adoptive father. She was burnt and scarred, you can see on her back the scars that she has. She was lucky that her skin healed the burnt one. IT was at the age of 12 that she escaped from them. She called the police and when her adoptive parents tried to kill her, she killed them. It was auto-defense, so the police didn´t do anything to her.

To get away from that place, the social security, sent Min Jee to an orphanage in Shout Korea- Seoul. She lived there, until at the age of 14 she auditioned at SM Entertainment and they give her a place to stay for her own and even give her food and clothes. It was on the day that she went to Seoul that she changed into a different person, a new Min Jee






Personality : Min Jee always shows to everyone her crazy and caring side. If you are sad, she will do even the most embarrasing thing in the world just to make you happy. She will always protect you and will never leave you defensless. Doesn´t let anyone mess with her or the people she loves. If you say something is impossible, she will do it and make it possible and in the end tell you that if you believe in yourself nothing is impossible. Min Jee is a really ert girl. She will do anything to corrupt the mind of innocent people and will always smirk when she thinks on ert stuff.

When she´s on stage she tunrs into a y girl that no one is able to stop her. She can also be stubborn and if you make her do something that she hates she will think in 1001 ways to take revenge on that person.

Aside from that, Min Jee hides her dark self. A girl that lives in the darkness but doesn´t show to anyone. A girl that alsmot every night cries in her bed. A girl that every one thinks that she´s happy but in reality is really sad. A girl that is really fragile even though she has lot of strength. Yes... no one knows that side of her....

Likes :

❄ White Chocolat

❄ Coconut Ice Cream

❄ Capuccino

❄ Strawberries

❄ Black Roses

❄ The Night and Darkness

❄ Scary Movies

❄ Acessories

❄ Wolves

❄ Bats

Dislikes :

❄ Lies

❄ Bullies

❄ Dark Chocolat

❄ Watermelon

❄ Snakes

❄ Spiders

Hobbies :

❄ Swimming

❄ Dancing

❄ Singing

❄ Writing lyrics

❄ Skateboarding

❄ Playing Basketball

Habits :

❄ Bitting her lip when she´s nervous

❄ Dancing in every place as long it has music; example:elevator

❄ When she´s sad she likes to be alone and avoids everyone

❄ Without knowing, she wistels in the "S"´s

❄ When she´s too happy she starts skipping

❄ She needs to hear music to sleep.

Fears : 

❄ Storms- She hates it because of her trauma about her adoptive parents.

❄ Fire- She can´t be close to it because of what her adoptive parents did with her.

Trivia :

❄ She has scars on her back

❄ Loves to make everyone happy

❄ Is a computer addicted

❄ Loves to watch animes and read mangas.

 ❄ Loves to read fictional stories about vampires, werewolves and immortal people.

❄ She can feel people´s emotions






Best Friends : 

❄ Amber || 20 || Member of F(x) || When Min Jee did the audition, Amber saw it and congratulated her || Funny, caring, tomboyish || They are always seen together and it´s like Min Jee is also a member from F(x) || 8


Friends : { Closeness should obviously be between 3 and 7 }

❄ F(x) || Members from F(x) || Amber presented Min Jee to the rest of the girls || Caring, dorky, clumsy, funny, warming people || They always talk about random stuff and lots of times end up talking about hot guys and they do lots of pranks together || 7

Rival :

❄ Lee Hi || 17 || Singer solo at YG || On a visit to YG Ent. || Kind, curious, funny || When they are around of important people they try to look like great friends but when they are alone they are always cursing against each other and are always mean with each other || 3

Why are you rivals :Min Jee was praised by the YG CEO abot her voice and Lee Hi was jealous of that, since she was never praised like the way Min Jee was by YG CEO.


Love interest : D.O

Backup Love Interest :Chanyeol

Date of Birth ❄ Age : January 12th, 1993 ❄ 20

Group :Exo

Personality : D.O is like a umma for Exo. He takes care from every one. Is short tempered when people start annoing him. Is really caring and lovable. Loves to help everyone and protects always the people he loves. Can be over-protective with the people that he is really close to.

How you met :Min Jee was on a practicing studio all alone at late time. She was crying because that day was the day that she was for the first time tortured. She would never forget it. She would never forget what her adopted parents did to her. Not only that but she was also crying because the other trainees were extremely meand with her today. She did her best to look ok all day long, but she couldn´t take anymore.

D.O was passing by when he heard someone sobbing inside the room. When he came in he saw Min Jee. He knew who she was because he had already heard about her from all the trainees. He knew that the other trainees were always bullying her, but he could see that wasn´t the only reason that she was crying.

We went to her side and sit beside her. He singed a song for her and she stopped crying. Then Min Jee got up, bowed at him and told him: "Please, don´t tell anyone that you saw me crying." Then she walked away and D.O was still there surprised by her reeaction.

How you act around each other : Min Jee does her best to avoid him because she doesn´t want to get too close with him. On the opposite, D.O tries to talk with her and break her walls that hide the real Min Jee. As time passes by, she starts to open a little bit to him but is still to hard to tell him her real story.


Love rival : Zelo

Backup love rival :Jong Up

Date of Birth ❄ Age : October 15th, 1995 ❄ 16, but in a couple of weeks will do 17 

Group :B.A.P

Personality :Zelo is the type of boy that people misunderstand. He may look like that spoiled boys that don´t show their emotions, but in reality he is a really shy teenagers that doesn´t know what to do except dancing. Loves his band mates and loves to skateboard.

How you met :On a dance competition that SM and TS Ent. held againsnt each other with their trainees.

How you act around each other & why is he a love rival? : They are really close friends since they have lots of common stuf with each other. They are seen lots of times together doing skateboarding competitions against each other. He is a love rival because D.O thinks that he is much closer to Min Jee than him since they have the same age and lots of common stuff.






How did you get in the agency? :When she was 14, Min Jee decided to follow her dreams and decided to auditioned with the song Unfaithful by Rihanna. The CEO and AMnagers were really surprised by her voice that accepted right away.

How were your trainee days :They were hard, because lots of trainees bullied Min Jee for not having parents. Even tought it was difficult, she had Amber and F(x) to be with her and protect her.

Number of years of training :3

Persona :Joker Queen

Stage Name : MJ

Position :Lead Dancer, Rapper, Vocalist

Backup Position :Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer

Fanclub Name :Jokers

Fanclub Color :                - #9933cc






Comments :I loved your idea ^^ English isn´t my first language so there might be some grammar errors, sorry about that >.< Please tell me, when you can, if you want me to be a co-author or not :D

Suggestions : T-ara: y Love and Day And Night; Exo and Divine 9 go to Runing Man together.

Scene Requests :

❄ D.O sees Min Jee´s back and gets shocked when he sees the scars. (how that happens you can surprise me autho-nim~)

❄Min Jee tells D.O about her past

❄ D.O starts learning skateboarding to be able to go on the competitions with Zelo and Min Jee but when he learns the basics and goes with them and sees how complicated their moves are he gets really embarrased for not being able to sompete against them. Min Jee notices that he is feeling bad, so she decided to teach him some moves and tricks.

❄ D.O gets jealous when he sees Min Jee talking with Zelo freely and withouth problems at all.

❄ Min Jee is sick and D.O takes care of her and for the first time he goes to Divine 9´s dorm. He stays there all night at Min Jee´s room taking care of her.


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