confession of a friend#1(well sorta a confession..)

i fear noisy people.

yea you heard that right..FEAR.

means i don't go NEAR them.

why?i fear them.

don't ask me why i fear them..coz it's my nature.

a friend of mine asked me;"what if they apoproach you?"

"perhaps..i just run away from them"?

so she asked me again:"what if THE PERSON YOU LIKE is a noisy person too?"

"i'll keep a distance from them..probably.."

"PROBABLY?you can' way..."

"why not?"

"because you'll end up hurting their feelings..."

.......<--i guess so this is true..










so another friend of mine asked me the same thing too..and i told her the same thing..

ya know what she said at last?

"you know Chanyeol is noisy..and you can't stay away from him,you know that.."then she patted me while grinning.

then i was like.."o.0'"


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