Team C

So... Have any of you guys seen win? You know the YG show with the two groups of trainees?

Yeah that one.

I have a feeling that team A will win.


Because think about it. A lot of people like them better. For the most part they feel bad and want them to win, they also have a ALOT of singing talent.

I guess im sad because I like team B better, they appeal to me. But in the end no matter who wins I will still be their fan :)



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AmeliaJane #1
I love both team . X( i feel sad if one of the team will disband later .
itzlyna #2
I like team A because of Mino, I like him since he was one of the BlockB members and I still followed him when he was in BoM. I really hope that this time he can make it and debut! He has so much talent and deserves it!
I personally like team b better for there members, but for talent I think I prefer team A. If they add b.i to team a then I would be voting
I like team a because of mino. Only B.I appeals to me in team b. I really want team a to win because poor mino not making it into block b and then the B.o.M failure.