Sasaeng Fans.... Cool it

Note: I wrote this on my tumblr so I wanted to share it here too. I have been reading on tumblr some things about how fans over step their boundaries just to get as much of a glimpse of their favorite artist.  This includes: stalking threatening their (and their idol’s lives) harassing them with messages both offline and online and so on… let me make this clear to all of you that these stars whom you lust and gawk over are humans first. They were normal like you and i before they even got their fame. Actually, scratch that, if you were to strip away the fame, they ARE normal. These stars breathe the same air, drink the water we drink, eat the same food we eat, they do the same things we do. Only difference they’re in the public eye most of the time and we go about our daily lives doing something else. Theyre human Theyre human THEYRE HUMAN I think I must say this three times so that these fans can get it. Yes I am a big fan of Big Bang and do I have these fantasies of wanting GD or Taeyang to date me??? Of Course!!! But I am not going to go out of my way to ruin my reputation or theirs for a stupid hi or hello. If the one in a million chances I run into them on the street and they’re willing to converse, then maybe I’ll say hello but other than that I’ll leave them be.  So you should too…  COOL IT


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Thank god YB's fans tend to be older and more rationale.

I can't imagine if I were stanning GD with his newfound saesang fans. Or god forbid, poor Exo! I don't even care about this group yet it's horrible to see how they're treated. I wish SME would hurry up and step in before things go too far.
The truth. Church.