Guysss AFF looks different!

Guyyyyyssss is it just me or does AFF look different? Like the font and stuff used to look something like this, but now is look like this it's like more curvy... Unless I'm going crazy!!!! *GASP!!!!!!!* LLLOOOOOLLLLL OKAY BYER GUISSS!!!!!!!!!!!! And the letters look grey not white.. Oh well! And it seems like new things were added!!!! I like it though~!!!!


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i love the new change xDD
yep, it's different .... trying to see if it's a good change or not ... my eyes are still adjusting to the font and the colors...

The font changed on my it the same as computer?
It looked weird on ma phone but does it look different on computer/laptop?
Yea, I just come back on and I'm like "okay, wtf. Something seems not right...what the hell happened in the hour I was gone?" Lolz xP