

so since i have no one to talk to about this embarassment i can't get over with

here it goes~

well i tried auditioning for Our glee club because i want to switch clubs 

i dont; want to be stuck in writing, yep~ imma journalist or whatever you called it

So yeah ~ i decide to somewhat join pur glee club because they encouraged me to do so

so i agree and actually i wanna learn how to sing too T_T

but! i guess singing doesnt like me

I did'nt say that i failed in the audition but i have a feeling I WILL

they didnt make any decisions yet but arghhhh~~~ i WILL FAIL !

well dont ask me what happened in the audition >_<

but i did my best so far and i think my voice faltered >_____<

Yep ! all of the other members are there and only me and my bestfriend are up for the audiotion 

I feel like i just wanna disappear right infront of them like the floor could grab me T_T

im so nervous that i keep flinching, moving, sweating amnd my heart gose lub-dub-dub-


I think i will FAIL ! T_T

i soooo knew it :((


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@Umma- neh, :(( i wonder why did i choose that club :<

@kkhihi- Thanks Unnie :)) yeah i did have the guts to go there and audition :))
Heiyuun #2
My dear daughter, so you decided to leave me already in our club?

Geez, I, Myself, is hating our team T.T

I find it sooooo frustrating and hard.
lol dont say that, im sure u'll do fine :)
after all u did have the courage to go out there and audition