A snatcher trying to snatch my iPhone when I was in the bus

The title says it all >__< But don't worry my iPhone didn't get snatch because I saw what he's trying to do ^O^ But I'll explain what happen so you guys will understand ^^

Okay! So it all started when my friends and I were waiting for a bus so we can go home *O* And at that time we already knew that we're going to stand in the middle of the bus so we came in the bus and there's not a lot of people standing so it must be us O.o Until GUY A stood up and one of my friend sat down ^^

The GUY B also stood up to offer me his seat but when I tried to sit GUY A was in the way so I couldn't and I thought 'Why aren't you moving?' O_O Then I notice that GUY B was standing in front of me O.o Seriously he's not moving at all also in the way with GUY A until it hit me >.<

I suddenly put my hand at my left pocket in pants and GUY B suddenly started to move also GUY A makes a way to let me sit *O* So when I sat down I look at my pants pocket that my iPhone is still with me but I saw that GUY B unplugged my earphones on my iPhone O_O I glared to both of them until they notice me and they're saying 'We should go now'

Then they came out inside the bus after that but it seems they got another target to snatch some cellphone when I saw a girl from different unniversity asking the conductor about GUY A and GUY B and I notice that she was teary O_O

I told my two friends about it and they said that I'm lucky to notice it until they told me that I have sixth sense *O* hehe! but hell we really thought that they were nice because they gave us a seat but no they were trying to steal my iPhone >___<

This is the second time that someone tried to steal me but both of them were FAIL because I have sharp sense when they're trying to do anything like stealing my iPhone O.o

I know some people said that I should put my iPhone in my bag well that's more dangerous because they sometimes slash your bag without knowing *O* That's why I keep mine on my pocket because you can feel if they're going to steal it O_O

Well that's all and don't worry I'll be more careful next time ^O^ I promise ^^


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wow poor u i can't believe they dared to try and steal from u >:(
but good thing u caught them before they could do anything to u
wow u have reallly good eyes if you noticed that. i would have never noticed that...i should put my phone in my ppcket...but then again its been stolen out of my pocket before...maybe i should put it in my schoe...
jeniscool100 #3
Woooow! I am so happy that you caught them in the act! I would have hated if your phone was taken. ):
But you're sooo right to keep your phone in your pocket rather than your purse! I mean, they can still get to it in your pocket, but like you said, at least there's a chance you'll feel it and be able to stop them! You're a smart cookie with killer senses. ;3
omg be careful. peope these days @_@ i am so disappointed in Filipinos >.<
>.< Ooh.. People these days. Be careful unnie!

That's also the main reason why mom doesn't like to let me get hold of some expensive stuffs.
I hope it won't happen again.