☁ mischief managed 〔 ❛ Pa Nali 〕

beauxbatons academy  student app.
xPandaSmilex ┆ ACTIVITY LEVEL 10 ┆ Panda ┆ Shy Bookworm

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` beauxbatons babe.  
 ┊ Pa Nali
nicknames ┊ [ Bookworm | By everyone in class | Because of her love for books.]
birthday & age ┊ 08/01 & 15. 
birthplace & hometown ┊ Busan,Korea.  
ehtnicity ┊ Korean
status ┊ Halfblood 

ulzzang name ┊ Park Hye Min. 
images ┊ 1 | 2 
back up ulzzang name ┊ Lee Jung Ha.  
images ┊ 1 | 2 

` i solemnly swear.  
 ┊Nali is the girl you see sitting in the back of the class with a pen in her hand writing notes quietly. She tries to be as little as possible to not get the question from the teacher. When everyone leaves the classroom is she last and asking the teacher the questions she have.She holds herself to the rules and when she goes to class she is there ten minutes before class starts. She is very polite and tries her best in everything she does. She would never break a rule. Nali is in her little shell and likes it. If she can choose so is she much rather in her dorm doing her homework, listening to muisc or reading a good book. You could say that she is afraid of the outside world. She also has a hard time talking to people. One time when her teacher asked the give some homwork to a girl who was sick, Nali walked into the common room where the girl was sitting. Nali planned to talk to her and give the homework to the girl but it ended with that she layed down the homework on the table infront of the girl and said "to you" quietly and stormed of to the bedroom. She is very carful and does not take any risks. She tries and wants to interact with people but it doesn't go well.

history ┊ Nali was born into a loving family that cared for her more than anything else. Her father is a muggleborn while her mother is a witch.She realised that she was a witch when she was three years old, when she made the children books in the family libary fly around. Her father was going to take her to bed when he saw it. And he fainted. Nali's mother then explained everything about the magic world. Nali have been intrested in the magic world since she was little and annoyed her mother to tell her about it. When Nali got the letter that she was accepted to Beauxbatons academy of magic she was vey happy but at the same time afraid. What if she messed something up?What if the teacher scolded her? But with these fears she went to school. She didn't get any friends on her first year becasue she was alone and didn't get any friends but in her second year she got a friend that she loves. But she still holds herself in the back and let her friend take the spotlight.

likes ┊ Maccrons;Butterflies;Pink;Books;Math;Sweets;Korean Indie;Ducks.

dislikes ┊Being in the centre of attention;Coffee;Greentea cake;Yellow;Bears.

hobbies ┊ Reading;Listen to music;Studying;Feeding the ducks;Daydream;

habits ┊ Talking fast when she's nervous;When reading a good book she doesn't react to anything outside the book;Humming magic spells to remember them. 

trivia ┊ Her patronus is a swan;The spell she is best at is Episkey;She is really bad at defence against the dark arts classes; She is best at History of magic and Astronomy;She is bad at sports; She writes a dairy that i hidden under her pillow;She can't look people except her best friend and her parents in the eyes.

` your mother's eyes.  
MOTHER ┊ Pa Ae Sook ┊ pureblood
Ae sook is this dreamer, she always has her head in the clouds. She is kind hearted and loving. She cares about everything and everyone around her.Unlike her daughter she can be hyper and she loves to make jokes and have fun, Nali's mother loves to about boys and things like that and she tries frequently to make Nali come out of her shell. Except that so is their relationship very tight.
FATHER ┊ Pa Du Ho ┊ muggleborn 
Du Ho is a man who likes to be normal and don't stand out much.He didn't belive in fairy tails or magic until he saw Nali in the libary.He is also very protective when it comes to boys around Nali. He always thinks that Nali is to young for boys. Nali and her father has this close father-daughter relationship. They love to do things together like reading books in the libary that her mother doesn't think like a fun thing to do together.

BESTFRIEND ┊ Lee Chae Lin ┊ pureblood
Chae Lin is a confident girl that takes place and doesn't let anything or anyone take her down. She loves to learn new spells and to flirt with some boys from time to time.She is very kind and protective to Nali. "If you hurt her,You die" It's something Chae Lin says when people look at Nali strange.They met when they was soposed to divide into groups of two and duel in defence  against the dark arts and Chae Lin grouped up with Nali and they soon became best friends

` magic inside us. 
desired partner ┊ Seungri/Lee Seunghyun (BIGBANG)
back up partner ┊ G-Dragon/Kwon Jiyong (BIGBANG)

first meeting ┊ Nali Pov: I overslept for the first time in years and i was late for my History of magic class. My favourite class of all things! I ran down the stairs carful not to drop my books. When i opened the classroom door I saw girls and boys chattering. Boys?! Oh I forgot that today was the first day of the co-ed project. The teacher was late and that was very strange. I headed for my seat in the right corner in the back. But when i arrived to my seat i saw that there was a handsome boy sitting in it. He was taking and laughing with his friends. I grabbed m books tight and tried to speak. I was the one that always sat in that seat "Umm..     E-xc-cuse me b-but th-a-at is m-y se-at.." I said while looking down at the floor. The boy and his friends looked at me with strange looks. "ehh.. I didn't know that we had reserved places" The boy said while scratching the back of his neck with one hand and looking the other way. The teacher came into the room and asked us to sit down, i just stood there. "Pa Nali would you please sit down?" I looked at her embarressed and sat down on the seat beside the boy. While the others was giggeling at me.
Seunghyun Pov: I was just sitting in my seat talking and laughing with my friends when I feelt someones presence then i heard a shys girl's voice. I looked up to see an amazing cute girl that was saying that i was sitting in her seat. Was I? I didn't know that we had reserved seats! I told her that i didn't know that we had reserved places but she just looked at the ground not moving. When the teacher said to her to sit down she got red in her face and sat down beside me.Pa Nali? What a cute name.. I thought and laid my head on the desk.I heard giggeling around the classroom but desided to ignore it. " Lee Seunghyun?" "Here teach" I raised my hand and smiled.I couldn't take my eyes of this Nali girl for the rest of the lesson.

personality ┊ Seunghyun is the typical troublemaker.He loves to make a fuss and to tell jokes. In poition class it's always him that makes the poition explode exact when the teacher is standing above it. He doesn't car much about theory classes and is much more for classes like defence against the dark arts. He loves being outside and being in town having fun with his friends.All he wants to come out of life is having fun and he doesn't care about skipping some calsses here and there or breaking a few rules. He likes to annoy Nali with his questions about class and he tries ver hard to take Nali out of her little shell. He can also come out with a few flirty comments from time to time. You could call them friends but Seunghyun fell in love with Nali at the first time he met her, but Nali thinks that Seunghyun is a rebel that doesn't care about anything at all.

scene requests ┊ When Seunghyun reside Nali from going to class and takes her outside to skip class; When Chae Lin meets Seunghyun.
` expecto patronum.  
comments/suggestions ┊ Hope you like Nali and I reall like our idea!!!
password ┊ LUMOS



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hiyeom. due to the rules changing,
i hope its alright that i ask of you
to have a minimum of 2 paragraphs for
the personality of nali. gomen ;-;
but i hope you understand. thank you!
once you've fixed it, please comment
so that i can put you back as accepted ♡