Last Blog for L's spreading rumours

I know we INSPIRITS hated the girl like hell but yeah, we should forget about it (though it's really hard for our hearts) -_-  I was really bothered by this news and it was like.. oohh, i'm getting dizzy here and there. Seriously?! What the ?! As I read more blog post and comments about the rumours.. people says. "LET'S FORGET IT!" and they keep commenting everywhere.

I just want Kim Myungsoo to have his statement. The statement that really came from his mouth not some representatives. If he's dating someone, tell the truth to the public so REAL INSPIRITS will support you. Don't mind those bashers cause we're here, ready to defend you :P ^^


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I'm choosing to believe Myungsoo and all the great k-inspirits who've been finding loopholes in all the theories over a random girl who'd done this to three other idols before him.
Yea, you're right girl. I wish to hear from Myungsoo himself but I believe the reps actually took the word from him since it took some time before Woollim found time in between OGS BKK break to ask him. Gonna trust Woollim appa wouldn't lie to us, haha. :'D
That hit right smack at my heart! We've got his back and it's the truth that matters the most to us, real inspirits. <3
Because we'll support him, even if he tells us he's dating and he really loves the girl who would treat him well. ^^
Hate those people bashing, especially those hating on Myungsoo GAH.
/strangles them
I found in a site that it's cleared now as the INSPIRIT send their support for Myungsoo and they also found proof that the girl just an attention seeker,
but everything between them, let just support it as long as it is good for Myungsoo :D

INSPIRIT hwaiting! eLement hwaiting! Let's support our L :)
Yeah~ Let's forget it!! Anyway, people are not talking about his rumours anymore. It's like more to EXO and sasaeng fans now.

Those people just have to stop...