[repost] Tumblr Admins



Tumblr Admin Application.


If you're looking to be an admin and not a Pokemon trainer then this is for you! 

By becoming an admin, I guarantee you that you will have fun and find it as a new experience. What we will basically do as admins is write scenarios and post them, along with answering ship questions and other questions our followers may have. Having a tumblr is similar to an AsianFanfics but if you're new to tumblr, I completely understand and I'm more than willing to show you the ropes.

I'm not exactly an expert but I think I know enough. Speaking of enough, enough of this babbling. Here we go!


 The Admin  in  a Nutshell -

"I can’t change the world. But I’m hoping that what I say and do will inspire everyone to try."

-Tablo of Epik High


Real Name (first name is fine): Jo

Date of Birth: 20th Feburary

Hobbies: Reading, writing, drawing (it's terrible), music.

Traits to describe yourself: quiet, weird (?). shy


AFF username: WritingDeers

Link to your AFF: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/291008


The  Passionate Listener -

"On shining, sunny days. On blustering, windy days, keep this song in your mind."

-U-Kiss, Dear My Friend


Favorite K-pop group(s): EXO, SHINee, Miss A, Boyfriend, Lim Kim

K-pop groups you know the most about: EXO

Bias(es): Luhan, Sehun, Kyungsoo, Key, Jia, Youngmin

Is there any K-pop group you don’t specifically like?: -none-

When did you start liking K-pop?: around 2011. It was an on and off thing but permanent now :]


The  Café  Writer -               

"The true writer has nothing to say. What counts is the way he says it."

-Alain Robbe-Grillet


What is your preferred writing genre?: angst, romance, fluff


Please write a short story (one shot) about one of your K-pop biases below. I’m a bit uncomfortable reading so please refrain from writing that genre. The one shot doesn’t have to be very long. I just want to see how your writing style is. I’m leaving the plot and story line completely up to you so be creative.


Link to your best story (or you could just paste it below): http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/515096/all-right-angst-oneshot-romance-hunhan


Contact Information:


What social media do you have?: Line


I think that Kik or Kakao is what I’m most comfortable with but if you don’t have either of those, I understand. I’m more than willing to make any social media account to communicate with you. If all else fails, we can always just private message through AFF.


What would you like to be your admin name on tumblr?:  Admin J


(My admin name will be Admin L because my first name is Loren. Majority of tumblr blogs do the same thing but we can have more creative names if you’d like!)


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