Thank you MBLAQ!

Well on monday i needed to go to a parent meetings instead of my mother. I can now go because i'm mature and my brother was telling my mother 2 hours before it starts and i needed to be ready fast as the lighting! I needed 45 minutes till his school without the bus and put my earphones in my ears and walked FAST! '' i even lost myself '' What do you want it's in the park/hill in the middle of a 'forest'. The trees to me are the same! Anyway i had 5 minutes left until it began so i walked faster and told myself the whole time ''You can't come late, it's a responsibility, go faster'', at that moment this song saved me:


At the moment when they sung : Run, run, BAD BOYS! You Better run, run, run, run You better run, run... ~

I started to run! When they said -Run, Run - at first my mind went blank and thought what the hell and when they said ''You better run, run...'' i started to run like hell. While i was running i laught my off! The people where turning around seeing me run and laughing at the same time! Thanks to that song i came on time! In this post i really want to thank MBLAQ for this. I know it isn't really that ''exotic'' (see what i did there *wiggling with eyebrows*) or that much fun for you but it is for me.


But in the end the other parents came late and we started 10 minutes later -_-* !


But it was a nice experiance! Right now i'm listenting to this song while writing this i find this really fun! I would recomend everyone that they should listening to this song while being late to go somewhere! ''I MEAN MBLAQ IS ROOTING FOR ME TO MAKE IT !''





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Lol. You've become one with kpop. I've had a similar experience.