Blend Master J.

I now have a long list of nicknames. The title of this blog ends up being the newest one. Oh, mom. I don't expect anything less from her.

I decided to make a blog about some of the weird habits I have. I am curious to see if I'm the only one who does these things, so here I do.


Habit one.

I have noticed that, occasionally when I take a drink, my pinky finger sticks up a bit. I'm just naturally classy, I guess.


Habit two. 

When one hand touches something, my other hand automatically touches the same thing.


Habit three. 

When I write my name on school papers, if the first letter of my first and last name aren't the same size, I rewrite it.


Habit four.

When someone says something in a hick accent (you'd understand if you live where I do), I ALWAYS make fun of them. I can't help it. They end up fixing it.


Habit five. 

When I'm mad, my hands end up in fists. 


Habit six. 

When I'm annoyed, I'll make a noise that let's people know how annoying they are, but most of the time, they don't get the hint.


Habit seven.

When I fold the laundry, it must be folded perfectly. 


Habit eight.

When I'm bored, I draw, write or make a list of all the songs I can think of. (I don't even think about it anymore, I just do it.)


Habit nine.

I imitate people on tv who get overly excited.


Habit ten.

When I have nothing to do, I arch my back like I'm trying to pop it. Honestly, I don't know why, but I do it ALL the time.


Oh! I'll have internet while I'm visiting my family in Oklahoma. I have school tomorrow and then I'm leaving. So, that means, I won't have internet from the time I leave my house (sometime after 3) until the time I get to my aunt's and uncle's. That's like, 5 hours. Oh, well. 

G'night, guys!


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lmfao blend master j XD my pinky sticks up a bit when i drink too~