I finally dropped!

I finally got to drop Maths! Goodbye Higher Level stuff that I don't understand, and hello Ordinary Level stuff that is easy to me and I did in third year!

I knew I'd probably fail my final exam or get a D and it just wasn't worth the stress for that extra points (which would basically boost my score to a C). I'd rather spend my time understanding Chemistry or studying Physics...

Tomorrow shall be a good day! Aside from the three tests I have, which will be really hard .... and one I have to take by myself, I think ... or I'm not sure if he'll even give it to me ... I hope not because I missed 75% of the stuff they did because I was sick and I can't understand the notes, but he likes to ensure everyone does the test. Which means I'll have to go to a class by myself and do the test o_O

But I'll just get up early to study. I shall not fail. And my B.A.P DVD came, too!

Good day, today!

I kind of feel bad because I didn't tell any of my friends that I was dropping and got the form and got her to sign it on the sly and they got annoyed because I was leaving them to that hell, but I don't care anymore.

I feel stupid and bad for dropping (I swore I wouldn't ever drop it), but it just became impossible and I knew it'd just be too hard to study...


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ibdp? no? i take sl maths :P

i put down hl maths and then i told her that imma dropping to sl... and we haven't even started school then XD
omg man, im in applied math (the lower level math)
Brainfreako #3
maths is hard~~ but my friend say with a lot of practice with the past year questions it will be a lot easier. she got an a for her maths~~ crazy~~ this is not olevel but alevel. O.o
Good luck in your sciences ^.^
qhoons #5
I take Math Advanced Placement where I don't even understand..lol ><
Wahhh~ I take English 1st, Mathematics 1st and three sciences with advanced History classes. Also with advanced ICT.

I hope we'll continue to do good! ^^
I dropped further maths two weeks ago. Now I'm doing maths with mechanics.
Plus English Literature, Chemistry and Biology

(Before: 3 sciences math n further)