My New Year, it was really great. We decided for a Party at my Friends House. It was really fun. The best  was, the whole day we played all those games, that they play in Shows. I loved to play the play where Super Junior played in Initimate show. It was really funny. After those we dance to all the songs we know. Since my Friend and i was Super Junior fan and the other mostly big bang. It was funny to see how they get angry.

We used to make fun, since they didn't know the namen of those boys. But we also liked Big Bang so it was for us good hahahaha.

We stayed they whole night up, not only at the NEw Year. We went to sleep morings at 2am. WHat we do at that time, we watched Dramas and Shows, allways eating and drinking.

The best was to play, the one drink game that they playes in Marry stayed late out all night. We had soju. But somehow i was the one who lost, and have to drink up. At the end i ended drinking 3 bottels and coudn't sleep. While the other haven't not really drink. When we haven't soju any more we dicided to drink Wine/Sekt that was left from New Year. Yeah we were really carzy. 

I loved those day, the best @ all was

At the last day, everyone was tried, ill etc from drinking.

I was the only one who looked fresh XDDD


hope the New Year brings good things soon and also, HAPPY NEW YEAR FOR EVERYONE HERE



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