✘ Vinyl Princess - Han, Jiyeon


Plot Line: The Bassist
Name: Han, Jiyeon
Nickname: Ji (Shortened ver. of her name-used by her close friends)
Date of Birth + Age: 05/14/94 + 19
Place of Birth: Busan, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Languages: English-Conversational (having lessons) Korean-Fluent
Ulzzang: Park Hyemin (Pony) Gallery~
Backup: Lee Dasom Gallery~
Appearance + Style: Jiyeon has a tattoo on her right shoulder blade that reads: Live life to the full while you still can - this is the motto she goes by herself. She has 2 lobe piercings on her left ear and one on her right, she usually wears hoop earings when she goes out partying, and simple studs on a normal day. She has coloured streaks of pink, purple and blue in her naturally light brown hair (like in the picture). Her features are pretty average, yet the most striking thing about her features are her big eyes. Her eye colour is naturally brown, but Jiyeon prefers to wear coloured contact lenses; usually opting for a deep blue colour. Frame that with a line of eyeliner, and you're looking at a pair of intriguing eyes. Shes a bit taller than average (167cm) and loves to show off her long legs in skinny jeans or skirts. She has a bit of a thing for head accessories and its rare to see her without something in her hair.  She dresses slightly differently for every occassion, though one theme resides at least somewhere in all of her outfits: Black.
Party Style: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Casual Style: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Personality: Jiyeon lives her life in the fast lane, not stopping so others can catch up. She's rather loud, you can hear her a mile away, and she not afraid to make a scene if its her friends birthdays or if something exciting is happening. Sarcasm is frequently thrown your way when you're with her and its hard for you to get a serious side out of Jiyeon. Well, the only thing she's really serious about is her guitar and her friends. She's a laugh to be around, and often has people cracking up at the most Un-funniest things in the world and never misses an opportunity to joke around with her fast wit. If you asked someone to describe her, the first thing out of their mouth would be 'party animal'. And they wouldn't be wrong. Jiyeons love for parties almost over takes her love for playing, though not quite. A popular girl due to her charming ways and good looks, she gets all the girls invites to the most anticipated parties. She can get a little carried away though, actually, she can get very carried away. She drinks a lot which makes her become even more forward than normal, if that's even possible. She'll flirt with any guy she sets her sights on and her friends end up dragging her away from a potential target! Her forward personality comes handin hand with her sharp tounge, and when she's angry you don't wanna be on the receiving end of that. She can spit out venomous insults, and will not be afraid to do so in public, and it doesn't matter who you are either. The es and pricks that think her and her friends are a waste of time and space get the brunt of her anger, and she tends to stir things up a little when it's probably not a good idea as she knows how to push people's buttons.
Deep down though, she's just a little girl trying to fit in in the big world. Her parents relationship with Jiyeons sister is what spurred her on to becoming the little rebel she is, and she can't help but wonder if she's thicker than everyone around her. She gets touchy over her looks especially, because although she believes that when the right guy comes along he'll love her for her personality, she also thinks that wont happen if you're not attractive in the first place. Generally she is confident about her looks, but there is always that little voice in her head asking do I really look good today? That she suppresses. She doesn't cry to other people when she's upset, and instead goes out partying to forget. This was manageable before Hyemi's death, which she copes with by getting drunk off her head when she can, hence all the parties she goes to. She is very truthful and won't lie to people when they ask her something, so she can come across as a bit blunt but her friends love her for it. She gets ridiculously defensive of her friends, but it's just because she cares about them a lot. She may not go to people when she's upset, but other people come to her because she makes a good listener, and knows what to say to comfort someone. 
Background: Jiyeon grew up in Busan with her parents and her older sister. Her sister got most of the love and attention from her parents because she was smart, pretty and funny. Essentially, she was perfect. The lack of attention from her parents caused Jiyeon to find a way for her to make them notice her, and that came in the form of a bass guitar.   And later, partying. Learning how to play a guitar was hard for a nine year old, but she was determined to prove that she could be as good as her sister. She didn't think her taste in music would be popular, so she was delighted when she met other girls who shared her interest. Her friends then decided to form a band and continued into high school. When Hyemi died, it was a huge shock to Jiyeon; she was a close friend who acted as her wingman when they went out together, they would talk about everything, boys, fashion, music. The band broke up, and Jiyeon found herself with a lot of time on her hands. Her partying ways soon escalated, and didnt stop when her school shut down and they had to up and move to Seoul. She picked up her bass and went to a competition, where she first met Jongin, and played as a tribute to Hyemi. When she came second, her bass was locked in the basement as a reminder she shouldn't play unless she could win for Hyemi. Since then, she studied hard, all the while missing her old band. When she found out the band was reforming, she didn't hesitate in saying yes, deciding that together they could make Hyemi proud.
  • Jiyeon doesn't eat cream
  • She loves to eat spicy food
  • Doesnt like people who insult her friends
  • Scared of Dogs (because of their bark)
  • Favourite colour is black and blue
  • Loves to watch cartoons
  • Writes her own melodies when she has time
  • Dislikes maths
  • Cant sing to save her life, but it doesn't stop her from trying
  • Feels like her sister overshadows her 
  • Partying is her way of forgetting things
  • Loves rock and punk music
  • Carries around a small snack bar in case she gets hungry
  • She talks using her Busan dialect
Han Jaejong I Father I Funny, Fair, sarcastic, loveable, generous | Jiyeon doesn't spend much time at home, she's either at school or out partying, so when she is home, he tries to spend some time with her. Jiyeon doesn't make an effort to spend time with her family because she feels she's always second best.
Han Sunyoung | Mother | Caring, thoughtful, busy, loving, sociable | Jiyeons mother is a policewoman, so she is often busy with work and when she is home, she tries to get some sleep. She spends more time with Jiyeons sister than Jiyeon, because Jiyeon pushes her family away.
Han Jihyo | Sister | Intelligent, hardworking, serious, funny, sociable | Jihyo is Jiyeons all round sister. She gets straight A's without putting in much effort, shes pretty and she has a knack for being social. When it comes down to it, Jiyeon is jealous of her sister. 
Byun Hyemi I Close friend I Outgoing, talented, smart, funny, kind I Before Hyemi died, she would always accompany Jiyeon to the parties as her wingman, trying to set her up with guys. They would always gossip about anything and everything, leaning on each other for support. When Hyemi died, Jiyeon felt like Hyemi would want her to keep on partying, so she did.
Name: Kim, Jongin (Kai)
Personality: Outgoing, forward and flirty, people often believe Jongin is the male version of Jiyeon. He loves to party just like her, and you can find him at the centre of anything and everything to do with being social. He's an independent guy but functions better when he is around his friends. He can't keep a secret to save his life, and loves hearing all the school gossip so if you need to know something just ask him. Under the party hard facade he puts on, there is a soft and caring centre, and only those closest to him can see the kind and thoughtful side of Kai. He has a large ego, and doesn't like it when people knock him down, and watch out if you do something to piss him off; he'll find a way to get revenge and that usually results in some kind of public humiliation! His sarcasm and wit, along with the 'bad boy' persona he adopted, makes him a great laugh to be around and the centre of the girls attention, and he knows it. He never dates a girl for more than a week or two (if they're lucky) at a time, yet all the girls seem to still want him as their boyfriend.
Background: Jongin grew up in the centre of Seoul, with his parents and his older sister. His family enrolled him into dance lessons when he was 5 and he's been doing it ever since. His dancing won him many competitions, and this aided him when he decided to make dance a more central part of his life; he would dance at different venues and take part in fierce dance battles in which he never disappoints. His sister is 25 years old and works as a doctor, so he rarely sees her due to her busy schedule. He lives with his parents.
Relationship: The best way to describe their relationship is a love-hate one. They have a natural chemistry together and when their both in a good mood, get on like a house on fire. Their rivalry and pride forever gets in the way of either one admitting they like the other, so they settle for petty arguments and sly insults during school. However, when they're both in party mode and are a bit tipsy, they're all over each other and neither group of their friends are impressed. At one party in particular, they actually even went so far as to kiss each other, but he next day both brushed it off like nothing happened!
How You Met: Jiyeon and Jongin met at a local talent competition. Jiyeon had recently moved to Seoul and this was her first competition since Hyemi died, so she wanted to win for her. They both ended up in the finals, but Jiyeon eventually lost to Kai and his dancing. She spent the rest of the summer studying to prepare herself for a new school, leaving her bass in the basement. When she starts at the school, Kai recognises who she is immediately, but Jiyeon only knows him by the name of Jongin, not Kai, so she initially doesn't realise it's him. When she does realise, she brings back their rivalry and vows to beat him in the annual battle of the bands competition.
Backup: Do, Kyungsoo
Personality: The complete opposite of Jiyeon, Kyungsoo acts as her mediator. He's kind and caring, and is very concerned about people he cares about, especially Jiyeons party lifestyle. He loves to hang out with his friends and parties too, but not to the extent that Jiyeon does. His big eyes deceive people into believe he is innocent, when he's the one coming out with all the dirty jokes and innuendos. 
Background: Kyungsoo has lived in Gangnam for his whole life. His parents have well paid jobs (his mother is a doctor and his father is a lawyer) and, as he was an only child, he got anything he wanted. You might think this would make him spoilt, but it just made him grateful for what he got. He loves to sing, and his parents paid for vocal lessons so he could become the best. His best friend is Kim Jongin, a neighbour and a family friend.  
Relationship: He is concerned about her wild antics getting increasingly more frequent and worse, and always asks if she's okay. He bugs her a bit, but at the same time she finds it sweet how he cares about her. Whenever anyone says anything negative about him, she's always the first to defend him, which is her way of showing she cares about him too.
How You Met: Jiyeon met Kyungsoo on her first day at her new school. She was trying to find the music classroom and Kyungsoo happened to be on his way too. He saw she looked lost and took her to music, where the teacher told her to take a seat next to him. She got to know him pretty well, and found herself growing fond of him.
Comments/Questions/Concerns: So this story looks interesting and I hope you'll consider her for the bassist! I don't think I filled it out very well, so if I need to change anything just let me know ^_^
Scene Requests: A scene where they first meet at the competition, and the party where they end up kissing? Idk whatever takes your fancy XD



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