I have nowhere else to post this soooo...nobody has to read really

So girl A just posted on our facebook group some kind of rant and she posted her angry telephone conversations with these people (like it's everybody's business), whom I will call group B And then someone commented that hey I think they're just being helpful blah blah...and then another one commented that it doesn't matter who's right or who's wrong, what matters is our purpose for being in this group. Sooo then girl A goes into a reply frenzy explaining her side and getting me more irate cause it seems like she's just defending her words and actions towards group B and in return blaming and accusing group B of being against her. So then because I'm an opinionated , I commented that they should not post these stuff in facebook because I have no care and nobody cares hahahaha joking, of course I didn't say that. But what the hell men if I was one of those in group B I would throw a fit of being accused like that in front of everybody. it's between you and them why do you have to post it in facebook. I don't care and neither do the others. It just stresses the other party. I don't care if you're right, you had humiliated them and to me that's wrong. 

And is ranting about something that she, herself, did to me before so you don't have the right to complain especially when you haven't said sorry about it.


I'm sorry, I'm usually not a , just opinionated, yes. But this girl is turning me into my evil twin. She's older and to me her maturity level is like that of a hormonal teen.  I should call her Miley.


End rant. 


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MottiNuri_LaGorda #1
lol..i love reading rants. Chillax,sis. These type of immature bishes should get bish slapped or just ignore them.

Attentions make them go bananas even more XD