
You've probably noticed from the title that I am going to be talking about birthday. Yesh, on 24 September, I, was born. I am a year older than I was yesterday. #feelold. I am not the type to celebrate my birthday because I find it awkward celebrating a one-day occassion. For the last 3 or 4 years, since 2010, I hadn't celebrate my birthday. It was just embarrassing to have people greets me since I am shy type of person and I find it weird.

In the morning, I was being drowsy because I woke up near my alarm clock and I couldn't even cherish the remaining few minutes because once I'm awaken, I'm going to be fully awake now and usually, I have two more hours until my alarm clock rings. The weather was quite alright, it was a little bit cold which always happens in my birthday and a drops of rain, hence I didn't wear a skirt to school and wore my worn-out trousers which starts to look like navy blue instead of black >o<

The first person who greeted me in person was mum which afterwards, she scolded me about my messy room xDD Not my fault that my carpet always has strands of hair. BLAME MY HAIR! ^o^. I didn't have anything special to eat because everyone was still awake and I just cooked a instant noodle, which was so spicy that even eating it with rice, I could still taste the spice. It was from Malaysia instant noodles, which I believe is called 'Maggi' with words such as PERENCAH ASAM LAKSA. And from then on, I was greeted by my dad, my aunty with her daughter.

During on my way to school/in school - I was greeted by Vivian's little brother, Cole and his friend, Mara. They sang a special birthday song for me, a special person. I was glad that not too much people were greeting me because it is quite unusual for a teacher to greet and from other people, who tries to be nice and fake their smile at you. Within the school, I was fine with people not knowing it was birthday because it was too burdensome if they asked me what my present is and I would answer with none because I haven't even told my parents what I want.

After school, I was walking with my two friends because I was going to have a small celebration. We ate some breaded shrimps, spring rolls, stir fry, sausage rolls and Asian cuisine. At the end, we were all full because of the coke. It made our stomach big and we drank quite a lot. My two friends stayed with me because one of them goes to the same basketball training as me - which I got slapped on my right eye where I was stratched by a ball when it hit the backboard and went straight to me - and one of them, lives quite close to where I go train at, so she went and joined us on the way.

Overall - I think I enjoy this year's birthday. Getting comfy with my birthday because I get embarrassed easily, so, this is a first step to be comfortable with celebrating my birthday. I hope you guys have a good day and thanks for reading :)


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happy birthday …
NewWorlds #2
Happy Birthday~~~ ^^
(Sorry if it is late.. :D)