
For my next fic should I write more Keo or introduce Jongkey? I have an idea that would suit both pairings, so if anyone has an oppinion I would LOVE to know what you think <3


*Edit* It's a highschool AU if that effects anything <3




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KEO FOREVA ...even though I like Jongkey ...I preffer Keo 1000% times xDD but you are the author-nim you have the last word ...-coughkeocough-
Keo all the way! I really like reading VIXX-fics (try saying VIXX-fics out loud, good excercise for pronounciation XD) Even though I like JongKey as well. Could you just include them both? XD
No, but seriously, as of now I would prefer Keo. And I think that there aren't enough VIXX-fics out there in comparison to JongKey/SHINee.