how our 'going out' went...ROFL

I refuse to say it was a date. Are you guys curious to find out??? LOL. We were just going out, and he refered to me as his friend when his phone rang (his gang invited him to play football and asked where he was, with who. LOL).


So we went to Suria KLCC, you know, the shopping mall in Petronas Twin Towers (well not the towers themselves, it was just at the base of the towers). We went to the bookstore first, because I was such a bookworm and he helped me look for the book I really wanted to read, which was Unwind and Rot and Ruin. He was actually nice enough to ask the workers there because I am such a shy person. LOL. Unfortunately, we couldn't find both. What a loser bookstore. JK!^^


Anyways, after that we went to eat at Sushi King! Because I was craving sobaaaaa!! And it was really yummy! He ordered curry udon which reminded me of the song by DongWoon. LOL. But eating there was really expensive and he was really kind to want to go with everything I said. He's such a sweet guy.^^


Then we went to see the movie The Tourist, which is such a great movie! I loved the ending because there was a twist to the plot! I don't wanna give out any spoilers in case some of you haven't seen it.^^ So he bought a large popcorn that I gobbled down half of it by the end of the movie. Yes, I have a really big appetite. And he bought one drink for us to share, which I actually don't like because I'm a clean freak. But we used different straws, so I was still okay with that.


After the movie ended, we walked around and looked at clothes and talked. I got to know him better I guess, because he told me about his parents divorce and stuff (one of the things we have in common). Oh, I forgot to mention about the movie tickets, I like to collect them and I found out he did too. LOL. And I was actually relieved that he didn't try to hold my hand or anything, because yeah, I'm a clean freak.^^


Then we went to the cosmetics store for me to buy make up for theater club purposes. And because I don't use make up at all, I had a hard time trying to explain to the salesperson what I needed to buy (foundation, lipstick which would make you look pale and lipless). And he just stood there laughing at me struggling to get my words right. I didn't know what was so funny and it was actually really rude of him. Okay, that was one thing I didn't like about him. And oh, the fact that he burps so loudly that everyone would stare at us. It was so embarassing. TT,TT


So I just got back from the 'going out' actually and thought that I would share it with you guys. Leave your comments and criticism in the comments section below. I would really like to hear what you guys think of him too.^^


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I'm super glad you had a good time! ;D
Another date (I uh mean "Going out")? Score! ^.^ Good luck!
@lovly39 i can't imagine a girl burping like that! LOL and i really did have a good time, he was really nice actually.^^ and he gave me hints that he'd ask me out again! LOL<br />
@FairytalePerfection when i think about it again, i guess it was kinda funny. i was just tired when i wrote this. LOL
Exactly I agree :)
FairytalePerfection #5
Haha. I woulda laughed at all the stuff he laughed at. The makeup, the burping. Funny.
That sound like a really fun "Going out" (Since you refuse to call it a date lol) <br />
Wow those towers are pretty! :D and It sounds like you had a really good time and I'm glad you enjoyed yourself :)<br />
Also sorry but I'd be laughing at the Make-up part too xD ahaha though I don't burp like that >.> I know a FEMALE friend who does xD When she does it my friends all half-yell "NICE!" and laugh xD Silly gooses.<br />
Where was I? Oh right! He sounds like a nice guy ;D Lucky you!