Should I make a website?

I was thinking about making one. Like one of the blog post type ones that you make on WordPress but I was thinking, if I barely go on tumblr and this site any more, why would I make a website? More like, would I be able to maintain it? 

I was thinking if I made it I could post my fics, some blogs, reviews of fics and some of my edits that I've made. But I'm not sure. If I made it who would be interested in it? 


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i think i agree with >>> HaleyYesul <<<
TaoxKimchi #2
try blogspot! ;3;
HaleyYesul #3
hm if you have a tumblr then what is the point? A tumblr is a blog site where you could do just that. If you wont get around to it then don't do it. Trust me. It will still be stressful...