`Let's Date ♡ : World Edition ( MacKenzie Knight )

                                                ( MacKenzie Knight )

( I Love You )

Full Name : Knight, MacKenzie
Nicknames: Kenzie, Knight
Birthdate and Age: 20
Ethnicity: British
Birthplace: London
Blood Type: AB
Languages: English (fluent, native), French (fluent, she knows it from school), Korean (conversational, her best friend is a native Korean and she taught her, Kenzie at first wasn't very enthusiastic about that, but since learning languages is easy for her, she learned it without even knowing when, she can't read or write though)


( To The Beautiful You )

Face Claim: Cara Delevingne
Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back Up Face Claim: Willa Holland
Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Height: 172 cm/5'6
Weight: 55 kg/121lb
Other: She has tatoos - 
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 and ear piercing - 1
Your Clothes: She is a tomboy in both - personality and her style. She is a rock chick, who likes to wear studs, leather, jeans and beanies. 12 | 3 | | 5 7


( You're Important To Me )

// Seth Knight // 44 // 3 // photographer


Sophie Moon // 20 // 10 // Half-Korean, half-British, her dad is Korean and mother is English. They know each other since always and they know everything about each other. Sophie is a complete opposite of MacKenzie - she is sweet and cute, nice and hard-working, also very innocent. She is loved by everyone, she has a calm personality and a very peaceful attitude. Sophie is probably the only person able to stop Kenzie from doing stupid things. For her Korean culture is very important, but she also likes newest Korean things. She is a crazy EXO fan and it was actually her who wanted to be a part of the show.


Lucas Moon // 22 // 9 // Half-Korean, half-British - Sophie's older brother. He used to have a crush on Kenzie, but he healed it (almost). His personality is really similar to Kenzie's, he is loud and social person who likes to have fun.

Anna Rhodes // 21 // 7 // A very good friend of Sophie, they are very similiar (Jackie and Sophie), both a little nerdy and very innocent. She isn't very out-going but because of Kenzie she has an opportunity to go on parties etc. She has a huuuuuge crush on Lucas.

Amanda Harolds // 23 // 7 // Kenzie's friend from work (also a radio DJ), very cool and chilled person, who takes live easily.


( Let's Date )

Desired Partner's Name: Kris
Age: 23
Personality: Kris is just... Kris. Duzihang, cool guy who is a great leader. Other guys respect him. He likes to joke around and is a little cocky from time to time. He likes to tease people. He is social and charismatic but doesn't always try to be in the center of attention. He might look a little cold but he isn't, he just acts like that when he's embarrased or shy. When he becomes mad (what's not that easy to achieve since usually he controls himself well) he becomes scary. Kris may sometimes avoid showing his true feeling if he wants to maintain his cool image (like jealousy, he will try to hide it even if it's really hard). Amongst his friends he becomes a little silly and dorky. He is very caring and mature.

Relationship: They mostly tease each other. Their relationship is one of those weird ones. It looks like there is no romance between them, rather friendship but still there is a lot of chemistry. Kenzie likes to irritate Kris and often jokes around with him. He often looks annoyed but in reality he likes that, this makes their relationship so much more interesting. But at the end of a day, they really like each other, definitely more than just friends. It becomes especially obvious when they start drinking. And end up making out in closet. They both like skinship so they often touch each, it maybe Kenzie holding her legs on Kris's knees, Kris's arm wrapped around her shoulder, piggyback rides or their fingers interlocked. It just came natural to them. It would be weird if they wouldn't touch each other. They both tend to be jealous over each other, but Kris hides it better.


Back Up Desired Partner's Name: Tao
Age: 20
Personality: Tao looks like a bad boy or dangerous, tough guy but when you'll know him better he also has this totally cute and silly side of him. He is extremely self-confident and tends to be cocky, but there are also times when he becomes really shy. He is a crybaby but he likes to joke around.
Relationship: Same as above.


( Dig Deeper )

Personality: This girl is a one piece of a charismatic, sassy diva with a hot temper that can only bring trouble to her. She has a never-ending confidence, bad attitude and sharp tongue, that she often uses. It's hard to control her since she always does whatever she wants not caring about others opinions and when someone tries to order her around she becomes even wilder and will definitely not listen. She is the one that knows all the dirty jokes and likes to use them, to make other shy (especially her best friend). Patience is definitely her weak point. She becomes really nervous if she has to wait for anything longer than couple minutes. Because she is hot-blooded she may be a little arrogant, and she becomes mad/furious quite easily. She sometimes focus on herself too much and forgets about other people. She isn't a person to hide her feelings and she will tell if she's not pleasant with something.

She is very individualistic. She always goes with what she thinks is right rather than just follow others opinions. She always has her own opinions. Her sense of humor is really sarcastic and full of irony. She is very independent, she rarely asks other people for their help, she usually prefers to do everything her own way. She is very brave and she's not afraid of taking risk, it's really hard to scare her. She is always the first one to try new things. When she decides domething she sticks with that to the and what has good and bad sides, she is also very stubborn and she doesn't like compromises. She is good with speaking and because of that she is often called flaming charisma. She is very social and she can talk to anyone without hesitation.


Background: Kenzie grew up without a mother who left her, and her father when she was still a baby. Kenzie doesn't really feel any loss since she always lived like that. Her dad is a 'cool guy' (that may be a reason why she likes Kris so much), he is a handsome fourty-something man, who is loved by women. He works as a photographer so he often works with very attractive women, that maybe a reason why he never got married for the second time. He is a heartbreaker, who likes one night stands more than solid relationships. He may not be extacly the best guy for random women but when it comes to his daughter he would do absolutely everything for her. His personality is same as Kenzie, they also have the same sense of humor, their relationship is very good, especially because she is very independent and doesn't bother him much or barely needs his help. They are quite wealthy and for Kenzie money was never a problem. She would always just get what she wants.

In school, well, let's say that she wasn't the most dilligent student out there (she would always sleep in classes). The only reason that she graduated was because of Sophie who would always make her study. The only thing she was always good at was foreign languages since she is quite talented when it comes to this. She wants to be a radio DJ and because of that she works in one of the independent students' radio stations and she is very good at it.

She became a part of the show even if she doesn't know much about EXO. She was just keeping Sophie company when she was applying. Sophie wanted her to try as well and surprisingly she was chosen. She wanted to reject it at first but Sophie begged her to agree since she saw in this a chance for her to finally meet EXO (thanks to Kenzie).

Social Networking Sites like Twitter, Instagram, etc.: Twitter: @callmeknight


  • music (especially rock),
  • black,
  • partying,
  • skinship,
  • mint-flavoured ice cream,
  • french fries,
  • sleeping,
  • travelling,
  • photography,
  • watching movies - horrors and comedies,
  • strawberries,
  • driving,
  • shopping,
  • spending time with her friends,
  • dirty jokes,
  • charismatic, tall guys,
  • spicy food,
  • coke light,
  • junky food,
  • Penguins of Madagascar.


  • learning,
  • acting cute,
  • her dad's new girlfriends who always try to up to her,
  • seafood,
  • people who tell her that she's not right,
  • any kind of sport,
  • coffee,
  • cleaning and cooking,
  • history,
  • boredom,
  • fish.


  • playing drumms,
  • photography,
  • drawing,
  • partying,
  • eating.


  • sleeptalking (she often curses while sleeping),
  • rubbing her wrist tatoo whenever she's nervous,
  • blinking blindly when she's not listening and don't know what's going on


  • she is extremely good in playing cards, mostly because she is a great cheater, she knows a way to cheat in every possible game,
  • she is allergic to wallnuts,
  • she is a really good driver,
  • she is very forgetful, she always forgets about birthdays and anniversaries, etc.
  • she can play drumms very well, she used to be in a band (in the middle school),
  • the only thing that she can cook is a water, and it's not always successful,
  • she always does funny faces whenever she's bored,
  • if you would ask her about her specialty she would say: sleeping,
  • whenever she's excited or nervous she starts talking really fast and because of that people who aren't British have a hard time to understand her since she speaks with an accent,
  • she at dancing, she really can't do this but she does just for fun and to make people laugh,
  • she is addicted to coke light, she can drink even five cans per day,
  • if she could go back in time she would like to meet the Beatles,
  • her favorite TV show is 'Doctor Who' and 'The Penguins Of Madagascar',
  • she has no problem with skinship,
  • she never gains weight no matter how much she eats,
  • her ideal type is charismatic, tall guy.


( Input )

Comments: I love your idea :), it's something I haven't seen yet here :). I hope you'll like it and sorry for my poor language but English isn't my first language.
Scene Request: Not much, maybe some make out scene with Kris after she's drunk, and their skinship... And maybe their teases to each other.
Anything Esle?: Nope, not really, have fun writing.


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