An adorable Baekren gif

They are so cute I swear. I always have such a big smile on my face when I see them. I know I am lame, but I can't help it :)



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giracrystal #1
I have a big smile right now :D
sdjfhsj babeee they look so cute togheter AHH I LOVE THEM! they look like happy newlyweds n.n/ <3

I log in today and see all your BaekRen blog posts. Are you trying to kill me?
belenyho #4
They are so cute... The way Baekho looks at Ren is like "love is in the air nanananana"
yoaisummer #5
Baekho:Ren,u r so y right nw,I can't wait anymore.
Ren:hyung,we at public and the camera is rolling.*avoid his look&turn to the camera with awkward smile*
I'am on my phone and the gif is not loading but i'm sure they are as amazing as always <3
You're not lame and not alone with this feeling hon <3
We are the same I assure you, seeign this literally brightens my world <3 Thank you for being you and a baekren shipper hon <3
monsterhime #8
They're so cute. <3
Lol really cute <3 :D
AllHailMochi #10
Again, Ren being too beautiful. *sighs* My failure is inexcusable. Lol, Ren is too pretty, especially for his own good. No wonder Baekho is soooo into him. *smirks* And Baekho, every time he and Ren talk, there's a sparkle in his eyes, sort of happiness and love at the same time <3
vanille97422 #11
I love the look in Baekho's eyes it's says something like "I'm gonna to eat you!!" ^^