Swag - True Meaning


sometimes I wonder if people actually know the true meaning of the word "swag"

It means “secretly we’re gay”.

If you back up some years, even centuries, the word was used for a small group of men who used it, so they could fit in in their groups.

that’s the meaning of swag.
that’s what the word means, so every time I see a person use it I wonder if they know what it means and if they are coming out and no one realizes it


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do you know Jun.k solo song true swag?? if you're right then it's so funny XD
If we're talking true meaning, it basically means stolen goods or for the more modern people 'free stuff.'

But if we're going with slang, it's roots are in the word 'swagger' and the 'secretly we're gay' is just something that was made to make fun of the word swag and the amount of people that use it to mean things like 'cool.'