Blocking RPs

I decided that I'm going to start blocking roleplay accounts.

I'm kind of sick of the same advertisements by the same people.

And there are people who create accounts to advertise for people in order to get karma points.


 (I should rewatch this drama for Hongki, he was amazing in it. Not only has he an amazing voice, but he's hilarious.) 


So I'm going to start blocking roleplay accounts from today on if their account is only for roleplays. I may get it wrong sometimes, but they're seriously annoying at this stage.

But after getting three within five minutes of each other, I'm just fed up with them --_--


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...what's roleplay..? I've heard a lot about it, and saw a lot of it in aff..
Amen sister.
I tried roleplaying once and it didn't work out >.<
IKR!! They should just stay on Roleplay Republic. That's the whole reason why they made it!n Gosh, I do NOT want to bring out my mean side to them. I almost did.
I know how you feel. I'm the lucky one who doesn't get spammed with those ads so much but whenever I do, annoys the crap out of me.

Can roleplaying please just stick on Role play republic please? the whole reason that site was made in the first place was for all the roleplays to be on there like good lord.
Why not just mark your profile...friends only? *blinks* Instead of blocking every single rper you could do that ^^
Ugh, I hate it when people advertise! But.. I don't think I'd block them. I just go off on them, trying my best to make them feel bad about spamming me.. XD.
The whole advertising in exchange for karma is so stupid.. it makes me want to rip someone's head off..
What happened? Why did u sudenly decide that?