Forgive Me

I don't want to get any hate for this but I felt it necessary to at least explain my reasons for in subscribing so many stories. As a fellow author I understand how important subscribers are to you.

  I want to make it clear I didn't unsubscribe because I didn't like the stories, in fact some of them I just read the title and immediately smiled, remembering how good they were. And I didn't unsubscribe because I finished them either, in fact some I hadn't gotten the chance to get into yet.

 But I've felt like I've had to many distractions lately and was in need of a declutter in my life.. A clean up job persay. I already spend too much time in here as it is.

 And although you authors probably have no clue which ones I unsubscribed from, I wanted to put my mind at ease because I really do feel awful for it. 

 I hope you can understand where I am coming from and can forgive me.


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It's okay~~ Do whatever is best for you at the end of the day.

As an author on here it is very depressing to lose subscribers. I still havent gotten used to that strange feeling when it goes down one, especially on finished stories because that number is really one of the only things you get for writing the entire thing. But I think all your great feedback is whats most important, not a number.

I hate to see how upset you are about this. At the end of the day it isnt a big deal. I appreciate that you wrote this though. It's sweet.