♥ `l o v e d u s t; ❝ Choi Eunmi ❞



`Choi Eunmi;
 the girl who wished for (freedom)


seckchan :: Seck :: GMT - 8 :: 4



( full name ) : Choi, Eunmi
( nickname/s )* : Mimi - her parent's pet name for her ; Eunchan - her best friends
( birthday  age ) : 24/06  17 
( ethnicity ) : 100% Korean
( birthplace ♥ hometown ) : Seoul
( languages ) :
♥ Korean - native / fluent
♥ Japanese - conversational ( took Japanese class at school )

♥ ♥ 


( ulzzang ) : Jang Haebyeol
( gallery ) [] [] []
( back-up ulzzang ) : Yeon Jihee
( gallery ) [] [] []
( extras )* :
♥ She has a small, somewhat star shaped birthmark on her inner thigh.
♥ In an act of rebellion, she recently has a small dolphin tattoo on her ankle.
♥ She has dark brown hair that ends near her shoulders, and she usually likes to curl the ends.
♥ Opposed to her personality, Eunmi wears sophisticated clothes since that's all her parents have bought her. She has hidden stashes of jeans, shirts and sweaters in her drawers, but with her parents, she often wear dresses. If not, a blouse and a skirt.

♥ ♥ 


( personality traits ) : clumsy, quick-tempered, boisterous, impatient, clever
( personality ) : Eunmi, by appearance, may appear to be happy-go-lucky at first, but once you get to know her, she's completely opposite of what you think. She's easily angered at times, due to her lack of freedom and especially when people about being an introvert and staying inside the whole time or when they ask her when they know her answer is always no. However, she makes her way to the event anyways, mostly those in the evening. She's very loud, since she's always supposed to be quiet at home. She likes to make her point concise, and she believes that sometimes, people simply won't listen to her, causing her to raise her voice at times. She's also pretty intelligent, managing to pull off A's and B's on her report cards. She is strategical, clearing her mind and thoughts before commencing any plan she has in mind.

Though Eunmi may seem oboxious, she really isn't. Yes, she may be impatient since she's always tired of waiting for something. It was probably caused by those meaningless promises her parents would tell her, such as they'll go outside to play as a family one day. She's very clumsy, sometimes losing her footing from rushing or from being pushed, she does have a small build after all. Things will slip out of her grasp sometimes, which could account her as careless. If you're one of Eunmi's close friends, she'll tease you but she'll always have your back. She is a bit protective over the people she loves, due to having no friends in the past. They've all been scared away by her parent's countless questioning and leering glances. She's much like a tsundere in the sense that she doesn't show affection much but she'll do it subtly, such as leaving a piece of candy or a drink for them.

( likes ) :
♥ food ( mostly sweets ) - It's one of her so called "safe havens." Food will never betray you and you need it to live, so she says.
♥ parties - It makes her feel free from her demanding family, and for once, she feels like she's really living life. She enjoys it even if she's doing it without her parent's consent.
♥ reading - If she's grounded, reading is what she tends to do. She loves getting lost in the carefully chosen words of a novel. It takes her mind off of her own thoughts and into someone else's.
♥ night time - The time where anything can happen, and when she usually sneaks out. She also loves the stars and the moon, including the mysterious feel it gives off.
♥ animals - They are sweet little things that she can never hate. She has never had pets but she visits some stray cats at the park. She always admired the somewhat soft fur.
( dislikes ) :
♥ restriction of freedom - Obviously, her parents barely grant her any.
♥ silence - It's always giving her time to think and sometimes, it gets her paranoid when it's eerily quiet. Hence, she loves music.
♥ ear-piercing noises - Of course they annoy her, it feels like something is clawing and attempting to rip her ears off.
( habits ) :
♥ biting her lips - She does this when she's thinking, and sometimes when she's listening to others.
♥ moving her hands - She does it while talking, and unknowingly. She feels as if it helps her convey her thoughts better into words, as it shows actions.
♥ scrunching her nose - She mostly does this when she finds something unpleasant or when her nose itches. Usually, it's when she's digusted with someone's personality or when someone strange approaches her.
( hobbies ) :
♥ writing in a journal - It gets her mind off of things, she vents her emotions there.
♥ dancing - She loves it since it allows her something to focus on when she doesn't have anything particular to do. She is fond of the challenges it brings as in her life, almost everything is easily given to her.
( trivia )* :
♥ She got her tattoo just a week and a few days after she started to sneak out of her house.
♥ Her journals consists of many things, varying from diary entries, art scribbles, and maybe even some lyrics she composed from the top of her head.
♥ Her favorite dessert is cheesecake, simply because her friend from childhood had been addicted to the sweet.
♥ Too much sugar may cause her to go on a sugar rush, and she'll always running around and screaming her lungs off because she needs a way to release energy. She will do this mostly when she's home or somewhere close to deserted.
♥ As stated before, she has a secret stash of clothes in her drawers, she has 9 ( those wide ones ). Her parents aren't so controlling that they look through her stuff, but sometimes they do when they feel the need to.
♥ She usually goes shopping or karaoke with friends ( hence her clothes ). Sometimes, if she gathers enough money and if she can plan correctly, attend a concert of a band.
♥ She loves accessories, especially those with wings or stars.
♥ Jongup is her childhood and best friend. ( refer to comments ;u; )
♥ She mostly sleeps in on the weekends unless her parents are busy. However, since her mom rarely has classes, she's almost always home.
♥ She also has a habit of twirling a pencil between her fingers. She only does it to keep herself awake or when she's bored.

♥ ♥ 


( background ) : Eunmi was raised in a somewhat rich household, her dad a technician and her mom a professor at some college. They were just overly protective parents, fearing what the world would do to their precious daughters. They had started limiting their time outside, shooing some of their friends away when they saw them unfit. Sometimes, they would ground them just to make sure that her and Junhee would stay inside. Eunmi had grown antisocial for a few years since she was scared of her parent's approval. They were picky, believing that almost all people in the world were bad. Growing older, she realized that she was sick of being the loner of the school, and so she started to break away from her parent's protection.

( family ) :
♥ mother : Choi Sunmi : 40 : strict, reserved, perfectionist, stubborn, intelligent : 3
♥ father : Choi Junghwan : 42 : demanding, closed-minded, overprotective, selfish, intimidating : 2
♥ sister : Choi Junhee : 20 : kind, bashful, optimistic, aloof, passionate : 4

( friends) :
♥ Moon Jongup ( B.A.P. ) : 18 : cheerful, quiet, shy, easily-confused : 5
♥ Ahn Hyojin ( EXID ) : 17 : conservative, mother-like, realistic : 3

♥ ♥ 



( ex-boyfriend ) : Park Jimin ( Bangtan Boys / BTS )
( personality ) : Jimin, overall, is a sweet guy whose passionate in dancing. He loves flirting with others, even though he is already committed, deeming that it was just harmless since he was pleasing his "fans." Though he may seem like a tough guy, he backs down when situations are too complicated. He isn't the type of guy to put his all into something, unless it's dancing or athletics. He's the type to give up easily as he wants his life free of problems. He is sometimes narcissistic when he's full of confidence, and usually serious.
( relationship ) : It started when Eunmi was watching the dance performance at their school, courtesy of the dance club. Things had progessed until they were finally together. They were the couple that aroused people's curiosity, how did they end up together? Around each other, they loved to tease each other, and he would always be the one that initated the skinship between the two. They often hung out with each other during breaks, and if not, texting or calling each other when they weren't together. Most of the time, she snuck out to go on a date with him.
( the break-up ) : When Jimin had practically begged her if he could walk her home, she had hesitantly reluctant. She knew how her parents could be, and that was why she would reject his offer everytime. However, she couldn't say no to his pleads any longer. At the front door, he planted a kiss on her lips and her dad happened to be watching out the window, wondering why his daugther had come back later than usually. He stormed out of the house, pushing his daughter into the house before slamming the door. She could hear her father scolding, yelling and threatening him to stay away. That night, she recieved a text that they were no longer a couple. Eunmi acts pretty cold to Jimin, distant and she hates sparing him a glance. Sometimes, he would try to initiate conversation but it would go in two ways, either ending up being left alone or hanging around in uncomfortable silence.

♥ ♥ 


( love interest ) : Lee Sungyeol
( personality ) : childish, hyperactive, outgoing, carefree

Sungyeol is basically, in Korean terms, your average choding. He brightens the room simply by just walking inside it. He's the popular boy, you can say. He has many friends, probably due to his lack of shyness and the way he basically throws himself at everyone and sometimes everything. He's loud, just like Eunmi and it's shocking that they haven't met each other sooner. He has lots of energy, probably due to the amount of caffine he has daily. He's bubbly, always walking around with a wide smile and a heart-warming laugh. He's playful, and his best friends get the most pranks played on them. Even if he could be mistaken by a child, he's lovable, probably why no one is afraid to aproach him.

( first impression ) : In their first meeting catching each other, she felt scared that Sungyeol would tell her parents the next day. When she came home and woke up to no scolding, she believed in her mind that perhaps the boy wasn't that bad, that he was probably someone trustworthy and kind. After a few more meetings only lasting a few seconds to minutes, she had deemed him mysterious and mischievous.
( relationship ) : Their relationship was barely strangers before, as if they had lived in seperate countries this whole time. They tended to avoid each other's businesses, but it was inevitable. Once they kept running into each other at nights, she started to hang around longer since he didn't seem so busy himself. She found herself losing track of time and her awareness that she could be caught in her own lawn didn't occur to her. She sneaks out one day without a purpose to meet up with Sungyeol, and he finally offers to do something with her. She agrees, and they end up walking around random places, such like the park, cafe, anywhere that was available during that night. They end up becoming acquaintances, perhaps even friends.
( extra )* :
♥ They both have an interest in dramas, which was one of the first topics they touched on.
♥ ( going in further detail ) Sungyeol also sneaks out at night due to the clutches of his worrisome parents, always nagging him. He only wanted to be with his friends, to satisfy their needs in some ways. That's how he meets Eunmi and similiar to her, he starts to stick around longer after days to put up a small chat.
♥ They've passed by each other in the halls a few times but they never really noticed until their first meeting.
♥ They're both addicted to sweets. But sometimes, he likes bitter things like coffee.

♥ ♥ 


( comments or concerns )* :
♥ Sungyeol is the neighbor, right? On the cheat sheet in the love interest section, it wasn't stated so I wanted to make sure ;; and does he go to the same school or-?
♥ And I kind of made Jongup one of her childhood friend that her parents approved or doesn't know of, wondering if that's okay? If not, then she befriended him during high school ever since she protected him from his bullies? owo
♥ I'm sorry if it's not that great, it's been a while since I've done this and I've only did this a couple of times ouo;;
♥ I kinda made Sungyeol's personality the same because I honestly can't find myself changing his perfect personality ;;

( password ) : Be Mine



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