
When you think about it, in life, time flys by so fast and you never really pay much attention to it until you bring up something that was in the past and you have the moment where your like,"wow, it doesn't even feel like it was that long ago." 

I remember being in middle school wondering what it was gonna be like when I got to high school and if the friends I had then would still be my friends in the future. I miss being in middle school and elementary not having a care in the world. My friends were my friends, I didn't have to worry about money, getting a job, driving and taking tests that decide whether you graduate or not. 

Now, everything is so much more difficult, people are more judgmental and criticize you on every little thing that you do. Your best friend from elementary school is now that person that talks behind your back and then acts like your still the best of friends when they're with you, it's sad really, growing up. 

Becuase of everything I have been through personally, im that person in class that just sits there, does alall her work and doesn't talk to anybody. I don't talk to anybody or make friends because I don't trust anybody and I don't want to get hurt cause in the end I'm always the one that ends up getting hurt. 

So through the years I have built a wall between me and people, it may have a couple cracks here and there but overall now nobody can get past it. I know I shouldn't be this way but I you went through what I went through, you'd be the same way. 

It me against the world.


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