Miley Cyrus Issue

Okay let's get to the point. 

Miley Cyrus. VMAS. Everybody who is somebody in USA watched her lewd performance on the show. So now, I'm going to tell you what I think about it. 


This performance was right after Liam Hemsworth was caught cheating on Miley Cyrus. They broke off the engangement. Now, if you fiance was caught cheating would you or would you not be messed up? Statistics say, most of us would be. 

Sure, she took it a bit too far - rubbing her into that man's crotch is a bit much! But still, she was probably just releasing her anger on Hemsworth. Maybe even trying to make him jealous. 

I used to be a huge fan of Hannah Montana and maybe I'm being biased but cmon guys. She doesn't deserve all this hate. She's a child gone bad -she may be an adult but everyone's a child inside- and americans shouldn't hate on her but support her and try to make her feel better and act better. This was our idol a couple years ago! Why are you throwing away all those years of worship over a few mistakes by this girl. 

She's a good girl gone bad and truthfully, I think it's our duty as fans to bring the good back. I still love Miley and I always will. I don't think her music (wrecking ball has a meaning, you fools. we're all too busy calling her a to take in the words.) and I believe she's a beautiful girl.

Good luck Miley. Please come back to being the Miley we used to know. :) 


miley cyrus beautiful photo: Miley Cyrus 23msm11.jpgmiley cyrus beautiful photo: madhuangl -beaUtiful-milEy-cyrUs--.jpg

miley cyrus beautiful photo: Miley Cyrus Beautiful mileyacoffeebeansweetsixteen0000000.jpg



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LovesAsianDrama #1
I'm going to weigh in on this. My youngest daughter (she's 11) watched Hannah Montana and to be honest I would watch it with her. And yes we still all have the "Kid at heart" in us, she isn't a child anymore. She has grown up. We have to realize that. And also respect that. I've notice that when child actors grow up, their fans don't let them. They want them to keep the "Innocent" image they have and well let's look at it differently, when you or I teach adulthood, would you want someone to continue to treat you like a child? NO you wouldn't.

As far as the A$$ Rubbing on the crotch, SHE WAS WRONG, no IF ANDS OR BUTS ABOUT, I don't care if she's hurt or not. Want to know why, cause that mans wife was there. Now I understand about being hurt, I really do, been hurt myself, but to disrespect someone else's Spouse because of your pain, Sorry Nope you don't get a pass on that, cheating fiancé or not. And I don't know if y'all know this, but after the performance her own father tweeted something along the lines about how great her Twerking performance was. When he should've told her to "SIT THE PHUCK DOWN SOMEWHERE"

I was not a fan (as I am at least 20yrs older than her) so honestly I don't feel it's my job to "FIX HER" but if I could talk to her I would tell her to step back, take a break, vacation. Go away for awhile, relax her mind, erase and get rid of the negativity in her life, ALL OF IT. Start Fresh, while she can't go back to what she started as, build from that & make it better.

Charles Barkley (ex-Basketball player for the L.A Lakers) said it best "I'm not nor do I want to be your children's role model or idol, it should be a parent or grandparent or someone that is in that child's life on a daily basis" I agree. The reason being, yes we look up to and idolize the Stars but as you see, as soon as things go bad....We turn our backs on them. Why cause at the end of the day.. You realize that they are just like you & I....HUMAN ❤❤
Yeah so was Amanda bynes and Lindsey Lohan