
I reckon that 10080's epilogue (86400) will be featured next week. It already has over 600 upvotes.

(Does anyone know what the two titles mean? I can't figure it out for the life of me!)


Side note, I just read the story but I didn't cry. Seriously, I cry at everything and was expecting to ball my eyes out, but I didn't cry. Everyone was going on about how they cried and how sad it was, but I didn't cry.

It was sad, yes, but I just didn't cry.


Though I cried enough in school. I started laughing, which turned into hysterical laughter and then I began to cry. Also we watched clips on the Vietnam war, where a solider talked about the My Lai massacre and how he shot a four year old, whose arm was hanging off of him because he'd already been shot.

Having a four year old nephew, I couldn't help but tear up. It was really awful.. They showed us graphic photos of bomb effects and the chemical style warfare. As well as people dead. It was worse than the Mussolini hanging video.

I didn't realise that such awful things happened recently. And our History teacher is full of these little stories to tell people which makes it worse..


.... I think I'm going to read Anterograde Tomorrow to see if I'm really hard hearted or what.


I need to see him live T^T

He has my favourite voice ever. I don't care what genre it is, I would listen to the song if Kim Sunggyu sang it.


Also, I'm staying off tumblr for .... a week?

There are so many B.A.P DVD spoilers and I'm waiting for my DVD to arrive - four days, maybe ^^

It was shipped the day it came out and I was kind of like this:

at the computer.


Well, I'm going to go and study .... or actually read a fanfic I've been procrastinating with. (Weird note: I hear the word "procrastination" and I think of America. It's just an American word to me.)


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I don't know what the tittle mean either.
To be sincere, I didn't find 10080 great at all. It was dry and lacked the right emotions and dramatic feeling in my opinion. It didn't made me cry one bit. It actually made me a little angry, but the reason why it did I will not disclose here since I might get a lot of hate for saying the truth >.<"
As for the sequel, that was even badly written. I sincerely didn't enjoy it and I admit that I read it only driven by curiosity.

Some things really made no sense in those two one-shots if you ask me. But whatever, people read what they want here. I bet that if it were to feature another couple, like GD/TOP, it wouldn't have been featured.


OMG, the movies about war that contain actual real images really affect me TT.TT I remember seeing this one documentary about the WWII and all those horrible images O.o
*sigh* People should really make love not war!^^'
Not going to lie but 10080 was not as good as what people made it out to be. It was decently written but wasn't anything special. The only thing that made it special was the Binary Code and even then that wasn't plausible in the least.

Baekhyun/Chanyeol weren't tech majors (one being an english, the other a business major) and yet Baekhyun used Binary Code for messages. Most English majors would never go out of their way to learn/master Binary code, unless they were trying to be cute/impress their tech major/tech geek boyfriend. Chanyeol was neither of those, so hence the binary code was even more out of place.

If it didn't have the Binary Code in it and if the girl wasn't featured a couple of times for her Baekyeol rated M fics she probably wouldn't have been featured for it.
10800 - the minutes in a week
86400 - seconds in a day
i didnt cry... i didnt really feel sad either..
now i sound heartless. i cried a river in anterograde tomorrow though.
I didn't cry for either...
Whoops xD
Haha... umm.. I didn't find it too sad tbh . /cringes at hate.
newgirl #7
i didn't know the meaning of the title either. and what was the meaning of baekhyun's last message? omg
Yeah, i didnt cry either :/ But i think 10080 is a good fic though.
10080 is how many minutes are in a week (the promise that Chanyeol made with Baekhyun to stay with Baekhyun for a week)
And aznawzmao explained the 86400 thingy :)
Lol Im really lazy and I procrastinate aalll the time. Its starting to become a habit :p
Oh I didn't cry for either one :3
But I was stunned for a while after I read anterograde :3
Oh the numbers mean how many seconds or minutes or whatever that time lasted. so 10080 was like how many days or something that Chanyeol and Baekhyun were together, and 86400 is how many seconds in a day (the amount of time they weren't in the same world)
Something like that
Oh pft procrastination I suppose you think senioritis is an American word too :P
I had some tears leak out reading 10080 but I didn't cry too bad ^^;
BlackPearl96 #11
I didn't read cuz I don't like angst and rarely (okey never) read but that is the LONGEST oneshot I have ever seen
BlackPearl96 #12
... an American word? are you saying that its an American thing to procrastinate? * puts hand on chest*..... Yea, this countries getting lazy, im guilty as charged, ill accept my sentence