does advertisement shop actually works?

okay, straight to the point.

i want to advertise my newest fanfic "Coffee Shop Romance"

but i was was wondering if i subscribed to the advertisement shop, will it gain more subscribers?

cause sometimes i think it won't. why? because i, i only waited until my story get advertised and i won't view another chapter

which is got other fanfictions. and i'm afraid that the other do the same like i did, so.. it won't work.

and lastly... can u guys help me to give a link of "famous" advertisement shop or.. whatever.

or the ad shop that is still accepting request. i just wanna try if it work or not.

thank you everyone.


xoxo, trivia.


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the best advice i can give about advertising is to simply keep it sweet & short c:

/advice of an idek
I never look in them, tbh. I look at review shops, so you could get it reviewed in quite a popular one or something.
i honestly think it's kind of a half-half thing. the advertisements obviously gain you extra eyes that otherwise might not have been drawn to your fic, but in the end it's really up to you and your piece. it's your work that eventually decides whether a reader will stay or not so hence the half-half /shrugs. best of luck though! :)
i doubt those work; mainly for the fact that the user only clicks on the first five chapters for the shop.

but for my graphic shop, I might open up a "featured story" kind of section so want me to put yours up first? ;D
This isn't a very popular/famous advertisment shop but yeah. Its useful, not sure if its what you're looking for though.