

I actually left a week ago or so, and I just wanted to come here one last time...

It's true that I'm a new writer in here, and I've been around as a reader for more than a year, but I feel so attached so AFF that I feel really sad for leaving it! *sobs*


However, this year is my last year on highschool, which means, it's the most important one in my entire life, and I really want to achieve my dream...

So I've already started studying, (thing that I've never done before >_< I'm too lazy), and it really takes ALL my time! O_O

What's funny, it's that I really enjoy learning and studying now, because it makes me feel as if I'm getting closer to my dream...


It might seem crazy, but I think if I believe in myself and I work hard, maybe I can enter the most prestigious school in my country. ^^"


I'll try to find the time in order to update my two stories, and finish the second one on time for the contests I've entered.


And I'm already impatient to take the super difficult test on June AKA BAC, and finally be free to write the 54+ stories, that I've plotted since last November! (It'll take me my entire life to do it though... è_é )


Wish me good luck please! :D



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Aww I was wondering where you've been! I've missed you! D:
Well, I hope you achieve your dream and good luck on your exams! I'll wait for your return, kay? xD
Study well! ;DD
pApErLaNtErN #2
OMG snap, we are in the same school year, good luck on the exams! ^_^
CherryBerryCream #3
Good luck! :D
You can do it!! d(^.^)b
coalesce #4
omg good luck! I have to take the Bac next year + I have TPE and Bac Francais this year so I totally get why you're taking time off ^^ hope you do well and come back next summer!
nayahae #5
Take care Author-nim! Wish you all the best! Hope to see you again, we'll be waiting :)
All the best with school! Take care :D
Unnie !!!! Take care promise you will come back in summer and winter vacations !! And good luck !! ♡♡♡♡♡ gonna miss you
MissPauline #8
Good luck author-nim !
Fighting ! :)
Good luck! We'll wait! I hope you can get in what you like! Take care ok? ♥
Gwentree #10
Good luck!
good luck~ ^^
Good luck! You'll do great with this extra study and motivation :) just remember to eat and sleep well too
jewelsvalencia #13
How about you hiatus for a while dear? We just know each other ; A ;