Conquest Of The Exorcist | *Kwon Min Jee* Will Destroy All Exorcists

Common Information

Username: BlackRose001

Appearance: Hyuna

Name: Kwon Min Jee

Nicknames: MJ-Everyone

Birthday: [March/20]

Age: 18

Height: 168

Weight: 50kg

Birthplace: Portugal

Resident: Portugal-Oporto

Ethnicity: Portuguese

Languages: Portuguese- Mother language; English, Spanish- Fluent; Korean- Conversational; Japanese-Basic

I Need A Hero

Personality: (I´m not the best to personalities, so it will be a short. Hope you don´t mind >.<)

Min Jee is a cold, emotionless and ert girl. She only show that side of her to everyone, but only the people that are really close to her know that she isn´t just that. Min Jee is also a crazy, funny, caring, kind, stubborn and once again stubborn girl.

She doesn´t like to show her real self to anyone because she is afraid that people can find her weakness.


Family~ None


  • Female | Jess | 18 | Student & Best Friend | They are childood friends. Meet each other on the orphanage and are always together.


  • Works as a make up artist in a salon.


  • Cocout Ice Cream
  • White Chocolat
  • Capuccino
  • Strawberries
  • Black Roses
  • The night and the darkness


  • Bullies
  • Fake people
  • Lies
  • Dark Chocolat
  • Watermelon


  • Bitting her bottom lip when she´s nervous
  • Avoid everyone and be alne when she´s sad
  • Doesn´t bother anyone with her problems.


  • Skateboarding
  • Writing english song lyrics
  • Singing when she´s alone.


  • Min Jee is afraid of LOVE.


  • A weakness ofMin Jee is that she is weak on her left side in her leg, because once she broke her leg.
  • Min Jee doesn´t have family, she lived all her life in an orphanage.
  • She likes to do skinship.
  • She likes to corrupt the mind of innocent people.
  • She loves spring

Supernatural Powers: Death Control and Mind Manipulation

Death Control- She can control people´s death. Can make them die right in front of her, make them live longer or less. 

Min Manipulation- She can ear people´s minds, talk with them by mind, manipulate their memories and what they think they see.

Spiritual Guardian: Shina- It´s a demon girl that talks with Min Jee in her dreams. She never appeared in real life, only on her dreams, but Min Jee knows that Shina is her guardian. A Demon guardian, the guardian of the Death´s power.

In Min Jee dream´s Shina appears in 2 forms- his real form and his animal form:


Exo Reaction: Min Jee being the cold person to the people she doesn´t know, at first didn´t want to admit anything, but as time passed by, she started to feel really deeper feelings and couldn´t stop worrying about it.

Connected Within The Soul

Exo Prince: D.O

Personality: D.O has this umma like side that makes you feel protected by him. He cares alot by his brothers and tends to always be calm, but there´s sometimes that if something really irritate him, he will be really dangerous.

There are times that he can be a ert person and have is y side and lust side together and go around to find a girl to satisfie him.

Bio: D.O has the Earth´s power, which also gives him lot of strength. He is responsable for the forest and all nature from Exoplanet. He does his best to nothing happen to the animals and  nature. He most of the times sleeps in the forest and is rarely at the castle.

Interactions: Being so diferent from each other was a real chalenge for the 2 of them to get to know each other. At first they were always avoiding each other, but as time passed by, they started to feel curious about each other actions.

Come Together: Suprise me please~

Back-Up Exo Prince:LuHan

Personality: Same as D.O

Bio: LuHan has telekinesis power so when there´s things destroyed, he always helps fixing everything. HE is also the second oldest which means that he needs to be serious with lots of things he does.

Interactions: Same as D.O

Come Together: Surprise me please~

Exorcist Must Go

Requests: None for now

Suggestions: None for now

Questions: None

Comments: Hi there~ First of all I loved your idea. I need to tell you that english isn´t my frist language so there might be some mistakes. Sorry about that >.<

I will update this apply as time passes by, because it´s a little vague.

Hope to be chosen ^^


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Thank you for applying~
And you know what, I at personalities and bios to so we are on the same boat here :)
That is a pretty awesome looking guardian but also one that seems very scary, but Minjee seems to be ok with him. Something that I really liked is that D.O barely is ever at the castle and likes to sleep in the forest. Apart from that your app is fine and I'll be waiting to check the things you add :D