R.E.A.L || Kwon Hyohyun

Kwon Hyohyun

        ♪Out Of Character

                                                          Username: nicetwomeetyou
                                                          Activity Level (Out of 10): 9/10
                                                          Youtube Account: http://www.youtube.com/user/liujunjoan
                                                          Age: 18

       ♪The Basics

                                          Character's Full Name: Kwon Hyohyun// Valentine Kwon
                                          Nickname: V (Having an unusual english name of 'Valentine' which was hard to pronounce, people just opt to call her 'V'. Coincidentally, she is the happy virus of the group and her name just happens to cohere with her role as the "Virus")
                                          Birthday: 28/06/1997
                                          Age: 17
                                          Ethnicity: Korean/Japanese 
                                          Hometown: Osaka, Japan
                                         Current Location: Seoul, South Korea


                            Onstage: Hyohyun is absolutely energetic at all times. Being in a popular girl group, her schedule is hectic but even when her other members are dead tired during performances, she is the one to remain bright eyed and reserve no energy as she sings and dances away. She is not the prettiest among the girls, but whatever she lacks in physical appearance, she makes up for with her toothy grins and famous eye smile. Her friendly and down-to-earth ways are what win the fans' hearts as she blows kisses and waves to those who are shouting her name or holding up signs to support R.E.A.L and her. Her signature pose is making inverted Vs with her fingers to signify her nickname. She does it in such a gangstar way that it is hilarious.  

Being the youngest in the group, Hyohyun is relatively dependent on her unnies and can often be seen following the other girls around like a  lost duckling during events and variety shows. Instead of admitting to her childishness, she would claim to be the 'knight in shining armour' fending off unwanted fanboys from nearing her unnies. Her peculiar actions and unintentional jokes make her the go-to "laughing material" on shows. Though she looks like a girl in everyway, she has her boyish ways and is definitely the least elegant compared to the other 4. She is weakest at doing aegyos because she does not want to be label as the girly girl and she is embarassed when asked to show a cutsey side. Nonetheless, her realness is what attracts her fans.

Hyohyun is extrememely clumsy and on many occassions, she has nearly caused accidents on stage like one time when she tripped on the speaker wire while wearing 3 inch high heels. She makes mistakes in choreography so many times that it is a norm to the fans and it has been a tradition within the community to capture her awkward moments. She is the only girl in the group who has yet to have romantic rumours spreading about her for she is still relatively young and her intendency to call her oppas, "hyungs", make creating such scandals about her a challenge to the media.

                            Offstage: Hyohyun is the happy virus to her unnies and manager because she is not afraid to act stupid and is always so carefree. Sometimes it is not her jokes that create laughter but her optimism in life and everything else that makes her a lovable creature. She is pretty straightforward so she may unintentionally anger people with her words, yet, they never get angry at her for too long because she melts their hearts with her natural aegyo when she smiles. She treats her other members as real family because she is an only child and her parents are back in Japan, making them her only relatives in this foreign country.
Though likable on variety shows and such to the ahjussis and emonnies, she is not really that sociable in real life with idols her age. Therefore, unlike her other unnies who gets invited to parties and gatherings frequently, she tends to stay home the most and thus begins to take up the job of housework. Despite her playfulness, she is extremely hardworking and is particularly serious during practices. Being the member with the most alone time, she spends those hours at the studio to practice her rusty dance moves but no matter how hard she tries, she fails and it frustrates her so. Other than polishing her dance, she likes to spend her time reading (which is uncharacteristic to her loud character), so she gets pretty good marks in school. She is the only girl of R.E.A.L who does not find balancing work and study a difficulty because she enjoys the process and thinks it helps her with her personal growth.
Her small social circle also allows her to focus on her unnies and the few friends she has and so she often throws impressive birthday parties for these dear people of hers. Her caring actions make the friends she has really loyal to her and they would not hesitate to assist her when she needs help. Hyohyun can sometimes be very stubborn and is often very caught up in the right and wrong of things. It is sometimes difficult to make her realize her own faults. Another thing that bugs her unnies is the fact that she is unhygenic in the context that she dislikes taking baths. There are times when she hasn't taken a shower for three whole days!!
                            Hobbies: Baking, Reading  ("Crayon Shin-chan" is her guilty pleasure), Reading Fanfics of stories she has read (she avoids R.E.A.L ffs because she is afraid to know what she might find), Watching US, J and K dramas
                            Habits: walking like a duck, sits with her legs parted (luckily she is always assigned to wear shorts and trousers), making gangstar poses (to strangers and her unnies alike), frowning when she does not approve of something or doesn't understand, lauging too loudly (to the extent of causing annoyance)  
                            Likes: Throwing surprises, Crayon Shin-chan, Young adult book series, fashion, shopping with her unnies, cats, dogs, horses, participating reality shows
                            Dislikes: Being out of control, horror movies, taking photos (of any kind), being nagged at, impoliteness, awkward conversations 
                            Fear(s): Frogs (actually any amphibians), insects, heights, anything supernatural
  • Hyohyun is 165cm but fools people she's taller with her long legs and good dress sense
  • She is fluent in Korean, Japanese and English (not planning to learn any more languages)
  • She has read most of the classics you can name (Jane Austen's novels, Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, Gone with the Wind, Vanity Fair.......)
  • She hates exercising but her love for food and sweet things makes it a must for her to workout every day
  • Winter is her favorite season because of the temperature and snow; she can't stand heat because she sweats like a pig 
  • Her GPA is 3.5 (pretty high for an idol)
  • She loves anything that is bright and colorful 
  • She has more clothes than any R.E.A.L member and they fill up most of her room space other than books


                            History: Unlike other idols or fellow members who had difficult childhoods, Soohyun's one is pretty normal and straightforward. Kwon Inseok met Sano Momoko when he went on an exchange programme to study at a university in Osaka. They were not in the same faculty but Momoko's fluency in Korean made her his guide around the campus and soon romance bloomed between them. Even after Inseok returned to Korea, they still kept contact and the man intentionally polished his broken Japanese to be closer to her. In the end, when he got into a big business firm, he asked to be transferred to the Japanese branch and was granted because of his excellent language skills and great ability. The love birds reunited and within a month, they were engaged and not before long, they were married and gave birth to Kwon Hyohyun.
Even under a Japanese education, Hyohyun remained a Korean at heart with the Hangul name that was given to her and the Korean language and culture taught to her by her father who always spared time for his family despite his heavy workload. Her excellent school results, willingness to learn ansd fillial attitude makes her a perfect daughter. She excelled and learned well in everything, all except elegance and poise. This was the one thing Momoko tried to stuff into her daughter's brain but failed all too many times. The mother attempted to have Inseok train their daughter to be a lady but he simply said that he would be happy with however Hyohyun turned out to be. Hyohyun is pretty much a daddy's girl but she tries her best to please her mother as well and it turns out that she has a knack for cooking and household chores despite her boyishness. 
There are not much hardships in Hyohyun's life except for bullies at school. They would make fun of her for her ethnicity, calling her names like "kimchi" and "unnatural" because she was a mix. She never understood why her classmates were so mean, after all, what was wrong with love? But she did not allow the name-callings and humiliating acts like being thrown a lunch box at her face or locked in the washroom to get to her. She has loving parents and good academic results, what more can she ask for? Slowly, she becomes a loner at school and grows awkward with children her age. 
With much alone time, she dwelves into the world of Youtube and begins to immerse into the world of music. At first, it was only US and Europe Pop music that caught her eye but later, she discovered Kpop, a genre that is loud, colorful, bright, fun, everything that represents who she is as a teenager. She begins to cover Kpop songs on Youtube and though she didn't receive quite many views, it helped her discover her talent in singing.  
                            Reason For Auditioning: When M&H entertainment was first established, they hosted a worldwide audition on Youtube. Hyohyun, who has known she wanted to be a singer and better yet, a girl group member, the first time she watched a SNSD music video, decided to try her luck. She did not know if it was because of the small pool of applicants or her voice that attracted the edjudicators, she received a mail during class that informed her she was chosen. She was so happy that she squealed then and there, which earned her a detention for a whole week. Kwon Inseok, being the open-minded father he was, agreed right away and even helped book her one-way flight to Seoul on condition than she continued her studies. Hyohyun had no problem agreeing --- she had never thought of stopping learning anyway. Momoko was less willing but she knew there was no stopping the stubborn girl once she has made up her mind. So, at the young age of 12, she became a trainee under M&H along with other girls and boys who were selected in a similar fashion as she was.
|| Kwon Inseok || 43 || Business Firm overseas coordinator|| Father || Alive || Open-minded, romantic, loving, caring ||
      || Sano Momoko || 42 || Housewife || Mother || Alive || Romantic, caring, loving, stern, anxious, over-thinker ||


Ulzzang: Finally settled on using Jang Chom Mi since she suits Kwon Hyohyun in everyway :D

Group Details

Stage Name: Val
Persona: Happy Virus
What Being A Trainee Was Like For You: Hyohyun is someone to cope with situations well so she had not the least problem in adjusting to the new environment in Korea. Though it was a big change for her at such a young age, she managed quite well. There are times when she missed her parents lots but her father would always pay her a visit when he returned to his home country for meetings, bringing presents and gifts from her mother to her. She would skype with her parents when she had the free time, but they were few since she had to juggle between training and studying. Making friends was sort of a challenge to her because of her bad experience back in Japan and the other trainees seemed so competitive that she was afraid to approach any of them. Luckily, she has always been a favorite to the adults due to her optimism and mature attitude towards hardwork, thus the trainers were less harsh on her. The biggest challenge would definitely be the dancing parts because she was more clumsy than others and she would gain many bruises due to multiple falls per lesson. Nonetheless, she tried her best though it made not much difference.
How Long You Were A Trainee: 5 years

Closest To: (Which of the members are you closest to? Leave this empty until all 7 members are announced and then choose)
Audition Link(s): 


Best Friend
|| Jung Hyerim (Eunji) || 20 || Female || Idol || Friendly, Optimistic, Energetic
Hyohyun first heard of A Pink during her training years when they debuted. She was particularly fascinated with the main vocalist, not only because of her beautiful voice but her personality as well. In a way, Hyohyun made Eunji her idol and wanted very much to carve a future similar to that of hers. When it was R.E.A.L's turn to debut, people have often compared her to Eunji for they were equally energetic, optimistic, bad at dancing and had the same charming eye-smile. So during a talk show which the two groups shared stage, the two were intentionally placed together by the presenter and everyone had a good laugh as to how they were exactly like twins, except for their hair colour. Though they were not twins by blood, they were as telepathic as real twins would be and even shared similar tastes for food, books, movies and other things. The talk show was not the end of their communications for they got each other's numbers. Since Hyohyun's father's hometown was Busan, he had taught her the dialect. Hence, Eunji was the one piece of home to her. They would converse in the Busan dialect when they met for gatherings or went on shopping sprees. Among all her friends outside of R.E.A.L and her label, Eunji was the one girl with whom she met most often. They would talk about acting, something Hyohyun she would one day be able to do. The older girl often practices her "vocal trainer" skills on Hyohyun, helping her improve her singing abilities.  
|| Seo Joohyun || 23 || Female || Idol |Caring, Friendly, Polite, Sisterly
She is the first idol from another label to approach her when she first debuted. Hyohyun had been sweating nervously backstage before her debut stage and was made even more so by seeing her SNSD sunbaes performing their song with such confidence and beauty. She may be an optimist but there are times when she would get nervous and debuting is surely no joke. As the SNSD girls left the stage and the MC went to introduce the new girl group, Hyohyun was shaking like a leaf. While the more experienced idols passed by, they all made 'fighting' poses to support R.E.A.L but only one stopped to really talk to her--- Seohyun. She had gave her a pat on the shoulders and reassured that everything will be ok. The elder girl even gave her a thumbs up and encouraged her by saying "Maknae power". This most certainly calmed the 17-year-old down and their performance went on smoothly and perfectly. Hyohyun had not expected to see the SNSD maknae when she returned backstage so she was surprised that the latter stayed behind to enjoy their show. Her down-to-earth act warmed Hyohyun to the core and they even exchanged numbers. They would send each other encouraging messages before their individual events and even have tea dates. Seohyun is most definitely her guardian angel in this competitive industry.
|| Kim Hyoyeon || 25 || Female || Idol|| Humorous, Caring, Friendly, Optimistic
Hyohyun was introduced to the other SNSD member by Seohyun. They found it funny that Hyohyun's name was a combination of Seo's and Hyo's. The two hit off really well because they have similar personalities in the sense that they're both optimistic and fearless in being somewhat hilarious. So when they're together, they practically laugh their heads off at every little thing. Hyohyeon teaches Hyohyun the way of handling pressure and tries her best to tutor the younger girl in the aspects of dancing. They often head to the studio together to help perfect Hyohyun's dance steps and techniques when their schedules are forgiving. After all, the elder lady is the notorious "Dancing Queen". The three would often reserve time for each other and help solve each other's stress and problems. They are pretty close and have become practically as close as sisters are. 
|| Lee Taemin || 20 || Male || Idol || Innocent, Childlike, Friendly, Somewhat shy
Taemin are one of the male idols Hyohyun met during reality shows together. They didn't know each before that episode of "Running Man" where they were paired up along with Haha. Initially, they were awkward with each other, using honorifics so excessively that the PDs focused on their unnatural behaviour around each other. It was not until the older man claimed them as his children and told jokes so often that they broke the ice. They are both so childish that they were like siblings by the end of the show. Since the boy is so innocent, Hyohyun loved to pull pranks on him or surprise him when they meet. As a boy who debuted at the early age of 15, he sure is another guide for her in this new environment of talented and beautiful people. He can relate to her worries and this make them really good friends. Taemin tries his best to be a good 'hyung' (as Hyohyun insists to call him), not only does he teach her the art of communicating with boys, he acts like a guard when there are boys around her as well. 
Love Interest
|| Oh Sehun|| 19|| Idol||
-Personality: He is mainly a shy boy and can be pretty lively and fun to hang out with, that is if you know him well. For the most part, however, his emotions fluctuate and it's hard to grasp what kind of a character he actually is. He can be extremely cool and uncaring of people around him at one time but when he's in the mood, he can be talkative and passionate as well. He has never dated before and seems to be into noonas more, so he treats his female dongsaengs rather coldly or brotherly, depending on his mood. He is insecure about himself because he finds himself to shine less than his other hyungs in every aspect. He maybe handsome but Luhan is the face; he may have a good voice but D.O and Baekhyun are better; he has great dancing skills but Kai beats him at that. Compared to his other members, he feels that he is the most disposable and that may be the reason why he acts in such a bipolar manner. Nonetheless, he is most hardworking and is determined to try his best no matter what.
-How will/did you meet: After a reality show shooting, Hyohyun and Taemin decided to head out for dinner together. Since the SM building was just round the corner, the boy decided make a detour to pick up some scores there and give her a tour around the place at the same time. She agreed immediately, having always been curious as to what the interior of this infamous company looked like. As they passed by the dancing room which was apparently occupied, she saw, through the glass on the door, a single guy dancing with every nerve in his body. From what she saw, the grey tank he had on was soaked at the back while his platinum blonde hair was dripping with sweat. She was mesmerized at that moment, not having seen anyone dance with such power and vigour. As he turned around, she realized it was the maknae of EXO. His eyes met hers and he immediately stopped his moves, obviously conscious that someone was observing. She diverted her sight and with an apologetic bow, she scurried after Taemin.
-How you act when you're together: They are quite awkward around each other, especially since Sehun recognizes her as the girl who has witnessed his secret practice and she feels slightly embarassed that she has interrupted his routine. There is zero contact between them unless it is called for during shows when their groups congratulate each other or during talk shows. Many times, Hyohyun tries to strike up conversation with him at the backstage but she gets tongue tied when he sends his icy glares to her direction. Somehow, she feels that he dislikes her very much.
-Status: Strangers
-Scene request:
  1. R.E.A.L meets EXO for the first time since Hyohyun and Sehun's odd encounter. It is during one of the special stages and the male members shake hands with the girls as a form of courtesy and welcome. Both sides stand according to their age so Hyohyun and Sehun are both queuing at the last of their individual lines. While Hyohyun shakes hands with Minseok, Luhan, Kris and so on, she notices Sehun chatting and laughing with her unnies. She hopes this will mean a fresh start for the two and that they can start off on the right foot. However, as the maknae meet each other, the boy suddenly turns all serious and cool. Hyohyun holds out her hand to shake his, but instead of taking it, he gives her a light bow and leaves. All her unnies notice their strange interaction and even she has no answer to their confusion. 
  2. Hyohyun goes up the SM building once more, this time, to find Seohyun and Hyoyeo for lunch. She passes by the recording room and sees Sehun sitting with his back against the wall, tapping his feet and his eyes scanning through what seems to be a lyric sheet. With a newfound determination to settle their awkwardness, she knocks on the door and walks in. Before he could voice out anything, she has told him in one breath that she wanted them to start over and that they will have more chances of collaborating and that she didn't want them to be awkward and that she will be calling him 'hyung' from then on. Not waiting for him to respond, she leaves the room in a hurry.
  3. They meet each other during a photoshoot for ELLE featuring new artists. Instead of allowing Sehun to build up their uncomfortable vibe, she takes the initiative to speak to him, or rather, blabbering on non-stop, addressing him as 'hyung' as promised. This surprises the older members of both groups and even the boy himself was confused. When Sehun finally recovers from the shock, he tells her to shut up, shocking her.
  4. Her undying attempts continue during a Running Man Idol Special episode in which they are paired up along with fellow member Jisoo and VIXX Ravi. Since the other two seem more focused on each other, Sehun and Hyohyun are left alone. In the end, to her surprise, the usually cool boy initiated conversation before she can and they have a fun time completing tasks. The girl learns more about him during the time together.


Other Members

(Your thoughts on the other members are very important in order for me to write a good story, so please be detailed! Who is you character closest to? Who does your character have the most problems with? ALSO, keep checking the "Auditionees" page and updating this section with thoughts on the newly added members. The two members added below haven't released their profiles, yet, but they will soon.)
|| ??? || Stage Name || Age || ??? ||
|| ??? || Stage Name || Age || ??? ||




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Thank you for updating! You are very close to being accepted, all you need now is a love interest and your thoughts on the other applicants ^.^
haha, when i saw the Seo i was like..oh its about Seohyun..and than when i saw the photo im like..um..that's not seo. lol.