Shinee's One fine day

I just finished watching Shinee's One Fine Day and i really envy such holiday! I am definitely not someone who would splurge on travelling but really, just once, once will do. I want to go on a vacation on my own to a place where i can see a scenery totally different from Singapore's. I guess i probably would have to lie to my family that i'm going for a business trip or so.

Out of the 5 members' travelling schedule, Key's is definitely my favourite! I want to go window shopping like him, experience life like a local.

I shall start planning for my first trip now! It may not happen anytime soon but i trust that i will let it happen!


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I envy that kind of holiday too
And out of the 5 members travelling places
I really love krabi , thailand
Anyway , I wish u can travel by your own any time soon!