Fellow Children of the Interwebs, I request your assistance

oh gosh

not fellow children

I am technically an adult





but anywho

the assistance I call upon you for is this

I can't decide if I wantsa cut ma hurr.

Right now it's a little past my shoulders, which is actually long considering my giraffe neck


for serious, it's like Yoona's

but I am tragically not that beautiful


the question is this:


should I do ma hurr like this






or let it grow out more so I can do this


keep in mind also my hair has spontaneously become kind of curly

it was wavy ish already but now it's forming super wavy almost curliness

and I am confused, so if anyone knows how to use that to their advantage and make it look nice that advice would be greatly appreciated as well



So, what do you guys think?


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TheArtisticBookworm #1
The Jeshika hurr will suit you better.
Herrrm. I don't know how you look or what the shape of your face is so it's hard to pick out a better style for you, but I strongly suggest you grow it out so you can incorporate lots of styles for stuff in the future or smth. It would be such a waste if you cut it that short, hair grows so friggin slowly it's so annoying. And lemme tell you, long hair is fab and gorge and you can do lots of styles with it! (although it's kinda high maintenance but meh, long hair is good!)
I am so done w/ this post waifeu.


I wanna be able to twirl it around my fingers while we're cuddling. But if you cut it like Taeyeon's... then I could rough it up & it'll turn to pr0nz hurr. Hmm.
Grow it out :3
Well elder... If you cut your hair it'll end up becoming even curlier, especially the tips so unless you can find something to loosen it up I don't think that'd be the best idea D: