`Let's Date ♡ : World Edition ( Andreia Silva)

                                                ( Andreia Silva )

( I Love You )

Full Name : Silva Andreia
Nicknames:B.R (BlackRose)
Birthdate and Age: 20/03/1994 - 19
Ethnicity: Portuguese
Birthplace: Portugal
Blood Type:AB
Languages: Portuguese, spanish, english- fluent; Korean-conversational, because of her love for k-pop


( To The Beautiful You )

Face Claim: Sara Matos
Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back Up Face Claim:Mia Rose
Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Weight: 50kg
Other: A tattoo.

Your Clothes: Really stylish. Uses a lot of bad girl clothes and hip hop clothes. When she wants she uses y clothes too, but you will never see her using cute and girlish clothes. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7 ,8 ,9 10


( You're Important To Me )


Silva Sara (but in portugal everyone uses their first name first, so in reality it would be Sara Silva) //46 //4 // A famous make up artist

Silva Ricardo (Ricardo Silva) // 46 // 4 // A lawyer

Silva André (André Silva) //24 // 5 (love-hate relationship. We care for each other a lot but are always annoying each other) // A soccer player

Bestfriend: Kwon Min Jee // 19 // 9 // Collage student // She was the one that taught me about K-pop. She also helped me to lear korean, since she is korean and knows.
Friends: ---


( Let's Date )

Desired Partner's Name: Kai
Personality: At first he may be a little cold and emotionless, but when you start to know him well, he really cares for the people he loves and protects them. There are times that he tries to be funny, but usualy doesn´t go that well. He is shy around girls so he can be a little awkward with them.

When he is on stage he is like a y god, but when he is off stage he tends co be a little dorky and always laughing and smiling with Exo, managers and more people that he knows.
Relationship: Even thought Kai has a lame funny side, Andreia always laughs at his awful jokes, which makes him happy and curious about her, making him want to know her much more. As time passes, they start to be really friendly and even do lots of skinship.

Back Up Desired Partner's Name:D.O
Personality: D.O is a really caring person that loves to help everyone. Can be shy sometimes but is really friendly. Has the "umma feeling" which makes him a mature person and a good listener.
Relationship: They are really friendly and love to talk about each other´s countries.


( Dig Deeper )

Personality: Andreia is a normal teenager girl that loves to dream of being lots of things. She is a crazy girl that loves dangerous adventures and sayd that everything is possible. She isn´t afraid of death but of not enjoyin her life to the fullest. Andreia cares a lot to her family and friends, that if they are sad she will do even the most embarrasing thing in the world just to make them happy.

She sometimes can be really stubborn especialy if you make her do something that she hates. Aside of that she is also a big ert. If you say something to her she will always take it to the ert side and start smirking and will try corrupting the mind of innocent people.

Andreia was always the normal girl. It´s just that, she knows who her real friends are. She knows that most of the people that say that are her friends only say that because of her family´s money. She is always afraid of having friends or fall in love because in the end they only want to use her to have her money. 

Andreia has  a passion for dance and sing and because of that she already participated on some competitions where she one most of the times. At the age of 14 she found her love for writing stories and lyrics and thanks to her bestie Min Jee, k-pop. Andreia fell in love right away with k-pop and started to be addicted to it. She always tought how t would be to meet k-pop bands.

With the age of 19 she finaly has the possibility to meet one of her favourite k-pop bands: Exo!

Social Networking Sites like Twitter, Instagram, etc.: 
Twitter: @And.Silva; Facebook: AndreiaS.; Instragam:B.R(AndreiaS.); Tumblr: BlackRose001

White chocolat
Coconut Ice Cream
Black Roses
The Night and the darkness

Dark Chocolat

Writing stories
Listen to music
Write lyrics

Bit her bottom lip when she´s nervous
Whistle on the "S"´s without conscious

Loves to do lots of skinship
Is a computer addicted, has to go to the computer at least one hour a day
Even if she goes late to bed and wakes up really early on the next day, she will always be in a good mood.
Loved to do her nails
Can´t stand lies. She hates it
She entered in dancing and singing competitions, being most of the times the winner.
When she´s bored she will start writing stories or will write lyrics on her notebook.
She knows box and kickboxing.
Knows how to skateboard.
Loves swimming.


( Input )

Comments: Really loved your idea. Hope I get chosen >.<
Scene Request:None for the moment ^^
Anything Esle?: So...english isn´t my first language, so there might be some mistakes. Sorry about that >.<



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