Fanfics nowadays.

Sorry. I just have to let this out. 




(And yes. It's 'boy' not 'well') 

I mean. It's not as if I could do any better but the fanfics nowadays (that I read) just don't make me cry, make me have those buterflies in my stomach (when I read something fluffy) make me eager to read more.

I only subscribe to those stories that I'm interested in. It's either that or I'm forced to. 

Only some fanfics can do those things. And when I mean by 'some' I meant like 5% of the stories that I either search or found.

It makes me kinda sad that fanfics nowadays are so straight to the point. No drama. No crying. No laughing. No nothing. And tbh (again), I also look at how authors type their stories out. 

I actually don't mind a few grammar mistakes here and there but if it's like the whole story, I'm sorry but I won't read it. 

/complete grammar nazi right here/ u_u /not that proud/

And one more thing. One thing that always pisses me off is when I actually find an interestng story then when I click it, it says: 

"Please Notice.

You have to subscribe to the story before reading this chapter."

And I'm like:




(^ most accurate reaction) 

So yeah. Thanks for reading this blog c:

Btw, I hope I'm not the only one feeling like this. If you feel like this, rant at the comment section idc. 

Hahahaha! And that's it. 



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winterfrost #1
"new friend blogs!"
clicks on it.
lol i love you babe
But I'm not sure I can talk OTL
I used to read a fanfic that was so cute and I can't find one that makes me squeal from the fluffiness anymore :(