Pink Tape | Kwon Min Jee | MJ

Pink Tape













Tell me about you~


What can I call you?:Andreia




What's your name?

name: Kwon Min Jee:

Other names: Andreia- European Name







Nicknames:MJ; Min-Min; 

Blood type :AB

Languages:English, Korean, Chinese- Fluent; Japanese, Spanish-Conversational

Goodbye Summer~

Personality: Min Jee is a really funny, crazy, ert, caring and stubborn girl. Even if  the jokes aren´t funny she will make everyone laugh because og her own laugh. It´s really funny. Does lots of pranks but that doesn´t mean that she doesn´t care about anyone. She hates to see people sad. She will even do the most embarrasing thing in the world just to make someone happy. 

There´s no one in this world that is more ert and crazy then her. It doesn´t matter what you say she will always take it to the ert side and will try to corrupt the mind of her innocent friends and band members. Crazy is her middle name. If you say something is impossible she will do it and tell you that something is impossible if you don´t try or if you don´t believe in yourself.

Oh yeah... this crazy girl can be really stubborn sometimes. If she doesn´t want to make something but you make her do it, she will think on 1001 ways to take revenge and it´s never a soft revenge. Be carefull!

Never mess with the people she loves. She will torture you until yous last breath.

When she´s on stage she turns into a y girl. Everything she does is y, even her breathing XD. IT´s simply her split personality that everyone is so curious about her. Who´s the real Min Jee? That´s what everyone wants to know.

Background:"I was born in London. I lived with my mom, since my dad lived with is other family. My parents never were married. It was just a one night thing but still they love me a lot even if they aren´t together. When I was 10, my mom died and I went to South Korea to live with my dad. There I meeted my stepmother and hslf brother- Kwon Ji Yong, aka G-Dragon. 

My brother was the leader of Bigbang, a band that was popular. It was thanks to him that I learnt how to dance, sing and rap. I started to put my feelings on dance, singing and rap, also at the lyrics that I wrote. When my brother told me that I was really good I decided to give a shot. 

At the age of 14 I auditioned at SM and got accepted. When they knew that I was Ji oppa half sister they asked me why I din´t auditioned at YG. I simply told them that I didn´t want people think that I was only accepted because I was G-Dragon´s younger sister. I wanted to be accepted by my real talents.

Time passed and now I´m ready to debut as a STAR!"


  • Coconut and lemon ice cream
  • White Chocolat
  • Capuccino
  • Strawberries
  • Wolves
  • Scary Movies
  • The darkness and the night
  • High heels
  • Accessories
  • Kuroko no Basuke


  • Dark Chocolat
  • Coffee
  • Watermelon
  • Mint Ice cream
  • Lies
  • Bullies
  • Fake people
  • Snakes


  • Singing
  • Rapping
  • Dancing
  • Skating
  • Playing Basketball
  • Playing video games
  • Being on her computer
  • Reading supernatural and romance books
  • Do pranks to her member mates


  • When she´s really happy she will start dancing in every place that has music, example, the elevators.
  • When she´s nervous whe starts bitting her bottom lip and will speak quickly
  • When she´s sad she will avoid everyone and will always be alone
  • When she is angry she will glare to everyone.


  • Storms
  • Being alone


  • She is a computer addicted
  • If she doesn´t have internet on her devices she will freak it out and be all moody and say she will die all day (she has to go for at least 1 hour a day to her computer and go on inertnet doing whatever she does)
  • She´s really close friend to Shinne and F(X)
  • She loves to do lots of skinship
  • Hates people to touch her things without her permission.
  • She ir really close to BigBang and 2NE1
  • She loves radical sports, like bungee jumping
  • She loses control of herself when she sees cute things or people do aegyo in front of her.
  • She needs to use every single day acessories.
  • Even if she goes really late to sleep and wakes up really early she is always in a good mood.


Black Pearl


Face claim name:Ailee

Links/galleries: 1 | 2 | 3

Back-up face:Dara

Links/gallery: 1 | 2 | 3

Falling in love

tumblr_mc4czjZKXX1rjq3rmo1_500.gif rZCN5.png



Name & group:Luhan- Exo


personality: Luhan is an outgoing person. Can be shy sometimes and if her isn´t close to you there will be an uncomfortable aura around. If you make him open up to you he can be really friendly and will take care of you like a member of hir family.

how you met:It was Amber birthday and there were F(X), Shinee, Exo and Pink Tape there. Some of the Pink Tape girls already new the Exo members so they decided to present the rest of the girls to them. Min Jee already knew Exo-K but didn´t know Exo-M personaly so it was a great oportunity. When Min Jee and Luhan were face to face it was really uncomfortable so they didn´t know what to say. Min Jee was startig to feel tired of that atmosphere so she said a lame joke, which surprisingly nade Luhan laugh. Thanks to that they could have a great conversation.
how you treat/act with each other: We are really friendly and Min Jee starts to like him, but she doesn´t say anything to him because sometimes on their conversations, Luhan talks about his ideal girl and Min Jee is everytnimh but his ideal girl. She isn´t a quiet girl, she is the opposite and to make things worse, she knows who Luhan likes: Pink Tape Kim Ri Yeon.


back-up lover:Tao-Exo

personality:He may be cold by the outside but he is a really caring and funny boys. He is really clingy and is addicted to Gucci. Cares for the people he loves and tries his best to protect them.
how you met:Sehun presented him to me.
how you act/treat each other: We are firendly around each other and are always talking about fashion and new trends. 
relationship: Friends

Do You Love Me?


personality:He is a social butterfly. Loves to mee knew people and loves to do jokes. Is really funny and caring towards everyone he is close with. Can sometimes be over protective with his best friends.
why is he/she your love rival?: Baekhyun doesn´t want Min Jee to be close with Luhan because is afraid that he will hurt Min Jee more that what he is already doing. Luhan sometimes, when he sees Baekhyun acting like that with Min Jee (protective, caring, really close to her) he feels irritated and doesn´t like it at all but doesn´t say anything at all.


Stage name:MJ
persona:Joker (Trumph Member)
fanclub name:Royal
Fanclub color:             
trainee years:4
trainee life:A litlle difficult. The other trainees bullied Min Jee for being from other country.
pre-debut expriences?:Shinee´s MV Juliette- Main girl in the mask; CF with Exo-K
singing twin:Ailee
dancing twin:Hyuna
rapping twin:Dara
talking twin:Ailee
[  ]leader.1st main vocalist.sub-dancer
[2]sub-dancer.vocalist.lead rapper
[1]sub-leader.lead vocalist.dancer
[  ]Main rapper.dancer
[  ]2nd lead
[  ]Main Dancer.rapper.sub-vocalist
[  ]2nd main vocalist.power dancer.rapper
[  ]triple threat.visual.vocalist
[  ]Maknae.face of the group.2nd main dancer.vocalist.rapper(taken by selfish author :()

is it poppin?


  • Choi Stella46 | She´s dead but she was a really famous stylist | 5|  She was really caring and soft hearted

  • Kwon Sang Woo | 50| A famous composer| 4 | Caring, Serious with his work

  • Kwon Jae Yong | 48 | A lawyer | 4.5 | Serious with her work, like a umma to Min Jee

  • Kwon ji Yong aka G-Dragon | 26 | BigBang leader | 5 | Reaslly serious when it comes to his job, caring, responsable, funny (sometimes)

Best Friends:

  • Amber | 20 | F(x) Member | 10 | Funny and dorky. A tomboy-ish girl
  • BaekHyun | 21 | Exo Member | 10 | Caring, Social, funny


  • Taemin | 21 | Member of Shinee |8| Funny, Caring, Dorky 
  • Lee Hi | 18 | Singer at YG | 6 | Shy, Caring, Kind
  • CL | 24 | Leader of 2NE1 | 9 | Leader like, like a umma, caring


why are you rivals?:
how do you act in public?:




comments:I really loved your Idea. I need to tell you that english isn´t my first language so there might be some mistakes, sorry about that >.<... Hope I will be chosen :D
suggestions?:Exo sleeping in Pink Tape Dorm. Exo and Pink Tape going together to rnning man and weekly idol ^^



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