sleepless night

Hi guys! It's been one of those sleepless nights again and for quite a long while I've been wanting to start writing again. I've been busy with a lot of stuff for the past months such as school and work, but recently I've only got work stuff going on now. A lot of my friends have started their second year in college while I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do in the future.... which is leaving me with now friends, a bit of frustrating and a lot, and I mean a lot of penned up frustrations :D

To be honest I had a lot of time in the vacation to write, but since I'm the perfectionistic-type of person ( not bragging here) I want my work to be the best of the best, I was constantly busy perfecting small miniscule things that it irritated my seeing so many flaws in my story, grammar, writing which resulted into my deserting it a bit and focussing on other things. The irritation of not being able to express my feelings and thoughts in words was just too big.......... But don't worry, I'm still alive and kicking ;)

I recently started my first job... and to be honest... it kinda . The team I'm working in its too big and the people are really nice (usually). But recently I worked with someone who worked there for over 20 years, and since I was new and didn't knew much at all, I could slowly feel her getting agitated with me... even though I tried my best. But I know it wasn't really my fault and I hope she doesn't blame me too much since I'm still learning the ropes. I just want her to know that. Tomorrow (or more exactly in 6 hours) I have to go to work again >_< luckily I have another co-worker.

But she did have me another idea for a story hihi :D maybe someday I'll be able to write it after I finished "My taunted mind and tainted soul" (damn that title is long. Should I change it XD maybe later when the story has taken it's form and I find a more suiting one. I'm open for suggestions ^_^

On that note, I'll be writing some more but don't expect anything too soon. And don't expect anything brilliant XD I said I was a perfectionist, but that doesn't mean I'm a genius qua writing. I read some of the earlier chapters I released and I still found some mistakes x(

Hmmm... that's it for now I guess. I'll keep on writing, working new stories and updating this blog. I also re-read some of the lovely comments and when I logged in after quite some time, I saw I had new subscribers! That really cheered me and kept me going. I can't let you guys keep hanging any longer right? ;)

Thanks a lot, and I love you guys sooooooo much xxx I just needed to express my feelings, don't know if anybody will read this though. But it feels good you know, and I hope I'll fall asleep soon. Good night~ xXxX bye!


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oppach #1
Sounds like you're very, very busy! I think we're usually our own worst critics.