shhhhhhh~(school & translations)





let another, seemingly-boring, blog post commence!

it's four am on a monday and i'm just eating milo and reading and procrastinating until it's time to get ready. here it goes. the original plan was to have my little sister and i on a vacation to the philippines (to my grandparents)but things happened and i fell absolutely in love with the atmosphere and the place and everything i decided to study here until i finish college. this partially explains my negligence when it comes to updates ( a topic i will address later ). after crying out loud and pleading, my dad finally let me (on the condition that i will become responsible for my little sister & do well in school).anyway, yay! 

regarding updates of old old fics, i'm sorry but no (?). 

i. i'm the present-kind-of-person. so i'll update what i'm working on NOW and finish them NOW. there's really no use looking back and rewriting this and that when i can make a new one, right? maybe i'm destined for the finished oneshot and threeshot life. 

ii. however, if you actually like them, feel free to uh, modify? idk, idc much about the fics pre-2013. 

and now uh, translations GOD THIS IS SO AWK WHAT

it just baffles me when people pm me asking if they can translate this and that to this language, tbh i will most likely laugh out loud and go all macklemore (what what what what) on your multilingual . i'm still unable to accept this, but if you're bored enough to translate wordpuke into another language, feel free! just give proper credits and links wouldnt be necessary but i'd love to stalk the final product. (what what what what) 

anyway, thats pretty much it. how are you guys? hows the new school year treating you so far? oh oh and let me shamelessly plug.

follow me on ig: uberchrome_

if you like, want to see my hideous face and not so hideous life. 


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woah, you're here?? :D
Wow you're here!
wowowow what what what what
Youre in PH now? o u o
your face is not hideous shush