12 Princes, 12 Roses - Rainbow Rose | Im MiYoung


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Im MiYoung

The Real You Babe ;)

Usarname: Exoloveer88
Activiness: 9/10
What Should I call you? Alli

It´s Your Rose Baby!

Name: Im,MiYoung
Age: 18
B-Day: July 16,1995
HighSchool: Junior
Power: Body manipulation
Back-Up Power: Poison
Plot: Rainbow Rose

Back-Up Plot: Red rose 

Hometown -Gangnam,Seoul,South Korea
Ethnicity - Korean
Bloodtype - AB
Height - 165cm
Weight - 46cm
Languages -


Background - Miyoung was born in Paris and was raised there until the age of 12,but it was only her mother and brother that was with her then since her father and sister was in seoul.she and her brother jinyoung would often video chat with yoona most times and be really happy when they go back to seoul for vacations;until the day that MiYoung and her mother and brother went back to seoul.They were so happy so the three siblings decided to go out and have some fun,Miyoung was being really playful and stubborn that she wasn't listening to what Yoona and Jinyoung was saying telling her to stop while they were crossing the street Miyoung still wouldn't stop and it caused and accident..Miyoung was about to get hit by a bus and Jinyoung being the protective and loving brother of Miyoung he ran calling out her name telling her to get out of the way but it was too late..instead of Miyoung getting hit it was JinYoung,Yoona was shocked and Miyoung was speechless,she blamed herself for everything athat happened asking herself why she did that.Ever since then He had been put in a coma and Yoona was being the protective sister wishing that time would turn back..Because of the sorrow and pain Miyoung had in her heart She discovered her power.. Body manipulation when she was currently staring at her brother in the hospital emotionless she made his hand move..

Personality - MiYoung has a carefree and laid back type of personality, she may seem like a cold person due to her innocent XDappearance but once you get to know her she is a really sweet and playful person . though she can be playful and childsh sometimes she is very serious ,her personality can be twisted at times but only some understand her twistedness~. she give off this cold aura if anyone pisses her off but no one has ever seen her get mad or angry..thats a totally diffrent story if she gets angry/mad she becomes this cold scary person..Miyoung can be a troublemaker sometimes and even become evil when she wants! but people mostly see the sweet calm playful,bubbly side of Miyoung and wouldn't dare to try and see her other side..Miyoung can be a perfectionist at times and really does her best for the group,she is also really obidient and respectful to her sunbaes,elders and respects her dongsaengs too!.she can be independant and never likes seeing her friends cry.. she would always try to cheer them up whenever their upset; she also does aegyo sometimes to try and cheer them up.

She Can easily express what she feels and Miyoung and isn't afraid to show them her emotion,She loves making people laugh and even does some embarrasing things just to clear her head away from the past.that haunts her all  the time,she loves making people happy and cheering them up whenever.like the way she did before,she became independant and strong but deep inside she is this fragile girl.Although she can be very arrogant and very stubborn sometimes she still tries to be herself and the way she is.she has a flexible personality and is able to change it from time to time;Miyoung hides her pain with a mask that she wears,she doesn't like visiting the same places more then twice to prevent the bad memories from coming back..

Likes -

  • bubble tea
  • games
  • music
  • K-drama's
  • Photography
  • Fashion
  • Variety shows
  • Drawing
  • cooking

Dislikes -

  • Haunted houses
  • Spicy Food
  • Peaches
  • Bittersweet food
  • Wild Animals
  • Storms
  • Liars
  • Backstabbers

Hobbies -

  • Photography
  • Writing
  • Dancing


  • heights
  • Pain
  • snakes

Habits -

  • Doing aegyo when bored
  • pouts her lip when she's upset
  • Bites her lip

Trivia -

  • Loves bubble tea
  • can be a fahionista at times
  • Miyoung keeps the pain to herself sometimes
  • she can express how she feels so much easier now
  • loves the color blue,pink,purple,green and yellow
  • Comes from a rich family
  • Her Family is a good friends with the purple rose's family
  • Model for Yoona's boutique
  • She has many social media accounts

It´s Your Face, Your Style >.<


Ulzzang Name- Kang Su Ra
Su Ra

Back-up Ulzzang Name- Kim Shin Yeong

Style - somthing comfortable yet classy and elegant. ex. hipster,chick,indie,sporty,casual,sophisticated..

anything is her type of style,she likes to experiment with her style yet make it look good.

Home:1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Casual:1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Formal:1, 2, 3, 4, 5
School: 3
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Combate Clothes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Extra Things: She has 2 piercing on her right ear, her hair is in ombre (brown-blonde),has a tatoo on her right shoulder that says "to infinity and beyond"

More People to Know :P


Sister | Im Yoona | 23 | Fashion Designer/Model | Alive | very close,Yoona can be very protective of her sister MiYoung because ever since their older Brother Jinyoung got put in a coma,Miyoung has always been hiding her pain by being this energetic happy girl not wanting to go to the places twice or more..Yoona and MiYoung share a close sister bond that seems unbreakable.

Father | Im TaeJung | 56 | Bussiness Man(Government Employee) | Alive | close but also distant.. Their close and have a strong father-daughter relationship but also distant because they misunderstand each other most times but TaeJung is really protective of his family, he got mad at Miyoung because his son was put in a coma but he knows better then to blame his child..

Mother | Kim Minji | 54 | Stylist | Alive | close but seems so far..She's still a bit mad at MiYoung for putting JinYoung in a coma but she knows that it was just an accident but it still hurts her to know that one of her children is in the hospital.Minji still cares for Miyoung and loves her very much but she just doesn't know how she can regain her bond with her child again

Brother | Im Jinyoung | 24 | Architect | Alive? | they share a very close relationship,Jinyoung can be very protective of his Younger sister and never likes seeing her get hurt or cry, he is always there for her when she needs him and he cherishes his Baby sisters very much.



Krystal Jung | 18 | Student | Like sisters with a very strong friendship

Kim TaeYeon | 24 | Model | like sisters,TaeYeon likes to treat MiYoung like her own sister

Lee TaeMin | 19 | Student | Like Bestfriends that may seem more like that sometimes Cx


Best Friend: 

The Purple Rose | MiYoung and The Purple Rose may seem different from one another but their actually close although they can have some compition with each other it's only like a friendly competition,She may seem like she always wears a mask and Miyoung is one of the People who can see the Real Her because she may hide herself away from those,Miyoung is very trustable and never fails to make the Purple Rose cheer Up.


You Love Me, I Love You!

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Prince- Byun BaekHyun
Power- Light

How you meet - Baekhyun and Chanyeol were currently going to the music room when they heard a girl singing whie playing the piano,at first they were amazed and Baekhyun was impressed but something both happened to them they felt a mysterious aura around the girl and what was more awkward was the fact that their bodies were moving on their own as if someone was controlling them.when Miyoung knew of this she couldn't help but laugh at wat she did and decided to start a conversation with them right when she finished playing the piano.
Personality - Baekhyun has a bright cheerful attitude,he is very caring despite that he can be a bit of a troll with Chen and Chanyeol making them the beagle Line (xD) but he can also be childish and very fun loving.though he can be very protective of those around him and becomes serious in the things he does from time to time.Baekhyun is sweet and very kindhearted though he can be a bit stubborn from time to time too,he is very outgoing and never likes seeing those close to him get hurt.he can be a mood maker around those people with him and it can be very awkward when he's not being his normal self.baekhyun can be a bit secretive sometimes but he can express what he feels easily to the people who he is close to and really trusts and understand him.

How you act around each other - a bit competitive but they are very playful,childish and sweet with each other.baekhyun can be protective of MiYoung and treat her like his own dongsaeng but they can also have this love-hate relationship.
Friends with a bit of a love-hate relationship

Back-up Prince - Oh Sehun
Power- Wind                                                                                                                                                          How you meet - sehun and Mi Young met at school, he is currently her classment while they're in the search for the roses.

Personality -
Sehun has a rather cold outer appearance but has a warm heart. though he can be a bit cold sometimes he sometimes has a hard time expressing how he feels towards others, he can be very childish and playful at times but is really serious. he can easily express his feelings to MiYoung and other members that he trusts because he feels most likely that they are the ones that can understand him when he has problems. he does aegyo sometimes but never often, he can also be a bit shy but knows how to get along with others really well; Sehun and Miyoung would sometimes go and buy bubble tea together during their free time and sehun would become childih and playful with MiYoung during breaks. Sehun is very dependable and trustworthy though he can be a bit spoiled by his hyungs and he can also be evil when he wants, He is protective of MiYoung and never likes seeing her cry or get hurt.. they both don't mind skinship.like Kai he is also cold on the first meeting but he will start treating you right once you get closer with him
How you act around each other - like friends


If You want...

Scence Requests:n/a
Comments: i had fun filling this out~ i hope you like and pick her ^^



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