Story Ideas!

TT It was probably a couple of weeks ago when i was writing down my fic ideas... I had about 5 but then... my computer crashed TT

Here's some of them though :) They're not complete, just a quick jot while i wait for my next class :)


Tell me which ones you will be interested to read ^^





Genre: Comedy, Drama

Summary: I look out my window to see their lives unfold…

Possible Characters: B2ST? YG Ent? SM Ent? JYP Ent? Cube? I’m not sure yet!


So Close Yet So Far

Genre: ????


Possible Characters:



Genre: Comedy, Drama, (?), Angst(?)

Summary: Think it’s easy to be an Idols’ bodyguard? Think again!

Possible Characters: B2st!!! 


 101 Days of Fluff

Genre: Fluff! Romance

Summary: Fluffity fluff fluff!!

Possible Characters: Kpop idols :) Maybe I'll have a poll for it ^^



I will add more later!  :)


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101 days of fluff LMAO Fluffity fluff fluff!! Most awesome random thing I've heard all day.